
haki- -a grammatical prefix indicating a starting point 即從之意



Hakianini kita a mal awidag. - We will start now b ei'ng


friends. 就從現在即成朋友

hakini -verbal question matk * indicates that the speaker is asking


himself not someone else 曰頭主的疑問句,是說話的人向自己反 間的用語,不是間別人


verbal question mark * uncertainty expressed about a

- ·

third party with a strong probability that the statement can he

taken at face value 口頭上的疑問旬,是謊話1月1:叫lj人!這間的用,m

hakitira -place to start froru 拉點,j控制﹔治間的( _L fl:准付活動、i j­



verbal question mark * meanin只is lt·ss than t﹜bvious *

provoking thou只ht 119!{1:的fJt川句,口,已在小llJJ闕,引投您想

haklog一1. t﹛﹜只﹛﹜alo呵with (liter﹔1 comply with * ﹛﹜}>t'y lllQ從’月H

Haklogen ko sowal no mama ato ina. 一( )bt'y your parents. !哩!蚓


kami t�tosa. -The two of us went toge伽我們兩

along with * as a child by his mother 使某

·l. how much? how many? 幾個,多少,fnf


Cihaklog kako. -I have someone to go with mt'. 我有夥伴同行

hc;iko -box 盒子,箱-子 ( from J apanese 哥 ︱ 自 語 )

J masahakoay -shaped like a box 一箱的,像箱子的

hakow� I hac;owa.


時 2. amount 不定數


Ano hakowa aira?

When will he come? 他何時到達? 他將什麼


lhakowa a mafana『kiso? When did you know? 你何時知道的?

Caay ka hakowa ko pays。 ako. -I don’t have much money. 我


hala -a fish trap for catching fish carried by the current 用捕魚工




pahala / patadato direct hands or whatever to receive 擋住,



PahaIaen k。 para’iso ta sti 'en ak。 kiso. - Get yourbottom read yfor a spanking. 預備好 , 我要打你的屁股

halafin - a long time * long period of time 很久,長期

halaka - plan * make plans 準備 , 預備 , 計劃

Misahalaka kita to sakatayraaw. - We are making plans to

go. 我們準備去 , 我們計劃要去

o nisahalakaan - plans that have been made 已經計劃好的

halamham - s

supense * deep expectan <;:ythat someone or some ­

thing is a 臨 深切期待

obut to arrive 期待 , 企盼 , 對某人的到來或某些事情的來

hales I hades. an expression of reminder * yousho

啊 !就是這樣啊 !豈不是? 可 不是嗎?

v' \ halhal I hamham. 1. to welcome

guests 迎客 2.

to entertain

guests with a meal 宴客 , 接風

3. to wait for

* expecting

ldu know


to give yousomething 等待 , 期待某 人給你東西

、是位ak建哩。__,ko fayag a pahalhal to tali. - Raise the sail for the

wind to catch. . 豎起帆于任風吹襲

Halhalen nagra kami a misalafag to tolo a romi 『 ad. - The y

entertained us as guests for three da

sy. 他們以貴賓似待我們三

hali- - prefix indicating an attachment to something or some

activity 前世詞︱咐於某些東西或某些活動字彙之前

Haliina kako. 一I love m ymother. 我愛我的母親

.Mali『pah cigra. - He is addicted to the bottle. 他嗜酒 , 他耽溺於


haliloya - 1. hallelujah * praise God 哈利路亞 2. a greeting of Christians 讚美主之意,基督徒的問候語

haloincluding * a connective introducing another related to what

has gone before 連 , 包括 , 包含 , 甚至

Tayra cagra. Halo ako a tayra. - The ywent. I also went. 他們

去 , 連我也去

halodot - to have a bad birth ca

halofaw .. celer y芹, 野芹菜

suing the mother s ’death 難產而死

haloya - See 參閱 halo. 、 The difference between halo and haloayis

that the second points to a sp ceific something that has pre


iov sul y




been referred

hamdac -t oc

ω 那個...包括那...包含那...

noc netrate on oynl one f o * .n

to. eat ngi

a yn


f odo l kei

rice 只吃菜不吃飯

h剖nh副n welc moe guests 迎客 2. t o wai with expec 個ncy 期待

f ro

hamon -t on、otbe specific * t ohave n ospecific desire or

req uest 參與

-t oidentify with * keep c

mopany with 參與 , 認同

hamotod -t otake s steal 順手牽羊

moething lying ar onud * t osh

polif-t * t o

ban - an untran lastable gr

mamatical particle s

fufi x,with a resp


agent type f

roce 無法翻譯 的文法尾詞 * a verbal qutoati on

mark 命人 ( 使人) 重覆別人說 的話或歌詞 See Appendi x 1. 見附 錄 .

hana -fl ower 花 (fr om Japanese 哥︱ 自 日語 )

cihanaay a mowa -R soelle * Jamaica S

rorel * r

soella 落神葵

hanaghag -pain * a b

runing feeling 疼痛,辛辣之痛

hanakliw I kliw I higliw. China Grass * 青芋航 Ramie fr mo

which cloth is made 能製作布料

hananay -s ocalled * bel

noging t othat class 所, 所成..的人或

See Appendi x 1. 參閱附錄 I 代名詞

t overify) 那就是理由 ( 依據口頭上說過的話 )

hanaw I salaw. that s ’the reas

no (referring t owhat had been said

hanho 一 indicates that the acti

no perf

romed ons


noe ors


hanhan I sla'. breath 氣息,呼吸

thing is a temp particle 接尾辭

roary pr


no f

roa sit

auti no

暫時擱置 a s

fufi x

hanighig -the smell ofst ol o* b

人 , 臭味不斷

woel m

voement 糞便臭味不斷龔

hanima -1. says wh

?o * d o t e

pxressed 誰說 的?懷疑的表現 2.

y uo can e

pxect it t ot

run otulike that 活該,誰叫你.* ex


no ofc

rorecti no

你能期待它轉變成正確的表現法 .3. refe srt o

past mistake ofthe hearer that explains the present sit 據聽者去 的錯誤 , 說明現在的情境


auti no 依


harawan I Baraw副L


hanto - has same forc as han w thi a p

nuct l ai ri forc e輿h

na 有

同的意義 , 與 原來相 同不要改變 See han an dAppen dxi

han 和附錄. 1

1. 參閱

haop - all incl


* to incl ued everything 把所有的東西括起來

(farm nig)

Haop han nira ko t。k。s. - He took over t

eh w

ohle mo

nutains i

. 他佔領了整個山頭

Mihaopay k。 pikowan n。 Kawas. - Go·dr

lues over all I expresses

H miself inall H s i character. 上帝掌管一切

hapinag - clear * ev

eidnt * def ni e 清楚? 明白 , 清細

ψahapinag - 1. to make clear * conf rmi

弄清楚 , 肯定 , 確定 , 證

o ru heart s. 上帝能鑑別-我們的心思意念

2. to dec i 決定

Pakahapinag to faloco' ita ko Kawas. - God isable to d


Mahapinag ko kter nira.

H s i anger isev dei nt. 君的出他很生氣

hapric I soprit. to r pi off gra ni from the stalk 從五憊的穗軸上下


hara/’iii - the name of a spec esi

of f shi 岩蠍 ( 台東 )

underway 快 , 迅

harakat - q ucki ly * t

eh way somet hnig moves or act vityi

get s

harara - to cont ni aully beg for something w t ioh tug vingi

up 慢慢的

harateg I simsim. tho


gu th s* t hnki ing * po nti

ofv ewi

想法 ,

Maharateg nira ko s。iwal ako. - He remembered w

aht I said 他


misaharaterategho - t hnki


tu for aw hlei

before mak ngi up

one s ’m ndi

正在想 , 還在想來想去

Harategen ko sowal nira. 一Dont forge remember what he


sa d.i

他是要我考慮 ( 思考 ) 什麼 , 要記住他的話

0 papiharateg nira takowanan to so'linay a dmak konini. W


he isdoing ismak ngi

me cons

eidr what I really o

guht to

do 他是要我考慮 ( 思想) 什麼是我該做的


.na� harateg ak。可- what I ha dtho

guht was··· 我原來的想法是

harateg ·sa kak。I then t

oh ugh{;�; .( ersp

nose) 我一直想

1 1.3

harawan I Harawan. name of an Am s iv llai ge 玉里鎮樂合部落名



仙也f'l' t和財�t��J



bardo/『ardo . swamp grass * reeds * has stalks used for poles 長在沼澤地方的植物 ,牌

baregheg - t

eh so

nud of waves or t

eh so

nud of approac hi

ve hclies o plane 混混聲音 , 汽車擦身而過4的聲音


is done 事完之後

- harek Ihrek. 1. to be f niis

ehd * completed 完了 , 完畢 2. after

hata I fayfay. flag 旗幟,國旗 ( from J apanese引自日語)

hatatad - to start out to do by oneself with others foining later 與


hater - 1. to be silent * not answer 安靜,不出聲 2. to save part

。f a thing for someone用東西來保進某人身體的一部份

vpahater - to not respond negatively * to let a person do some­

thing mean without getting even 放任,任憑

haterter - bumpy * as a washboard road 跌倒,屁股著地的現象 hatfo I hitfo. to leap * jump from above 跳下去,跳進,銜進,衝

hatini - 1. I matini. like this * the norm * the way something is done 像這樣,就是這樣做辜的標準或準則 2. time word with

particles attached 附加字首後變成時間副詞

ano hatini I imatini. right now * present time 現在,此刻,這時 Hatinien ko dmak. - Do it like this (standard). 要這樣做(標準) To hatiniay刊, awaay ko nanom niyam. - All this time we have

had no water. 長久以來(從不知的過去一直到現在)我們都缺水

To hatiniay a halafin 'i -All this time. .. 一直到現在

hatiped I hatipod. to include along with something else being taken 被一起帶走

hatira - 1. I matira. like that * state 像那樣(狀態) 2. that

standard 那個標準

ano hatira 'i一in that case 如果是那樣的話

Hatiraen ko dmak. 一Do it like that..ν要那樣做

hatiya - 1. compared with * even as正如,比較... 2. mikihatiya

一to be companion with * to identify with 參加,參與

Hatiyaen onini a dmak. - Do it like this (standard). 做的要像這一

hato - 1. to be as 就像... 2. to appear as 顯得,好像




hatotoan I Hatotoan. name of a nAmis village 端鄉

haw -1. qeusti onparticle * mea


is “ Is t

aht okay?'” 可以

嗎? 2. exhortative particle 告誠的詞

hawad I sawad. to give up * qitu

停止 , 放棄

Jmalahawad - disappear * be go en

消失 , 飛見

ha wag尸awas . 1. to step over 跨步 2. to stan ; with legs

apart 大閉雙腳而立

hawhaw - to whisper 低聲而語 , 耳語

haw ikid -somethi gn

take nalo gn

with * to take alo gn

somethi gn

順 便干,..等東西一起帶走

* agree * allow *

stop ;

hca I haca . agai n* repeated activity 再來 , 重來 , 重覆的行動


性, , 木樁

:、'hcek - a bea m* large pieces of wood 桂 , 樁 * post * wooden

"'5ahcek -p

tu stakes of w od i nthe gro udn as whe nstaki gn

claims 立柱 , 立樁

beep - to so ka

up i

tno itself li qidu


、串的cep -to use somethi

gn to soak upli qiu用某東西吸飲液體

hci - 1. fr

iut 果實 2. res


結果 3. milahci -complete *


ko dmak aka. -My wor ·isa

ccomplished. 我的工作

cP�hcien ko sowal. 一 Clarify what (yo

)uare sayi

gn. 你說什麼要講


Cihciay ko dmak nira. -What he did has fr

業( 事情 、 工作) 已經有下成果

ituI is lasti



Adihay k。 h ci no panay. -T


eh r cei isheavy w t i hgrain. 稻 子結

hcra I hicra . co me down and to

) ·feet 開著落處 , 由 上落下著地之處

cu ht

eh gro

nud w t i hbottom of

pahcraan - place one co mes to settle down and stay * referr ngi

to a · town o v llai g 落腳之地 , 定居之地 , 指城市或鄉村

kahcraan - t

eh area inw h hone settles 目 的地 , 某人 由某地到達

而定居 的地方

1 15



hdot - t sl urp o . s

cuk in(water or

'。” a



hegheg - ro


guh * heavy sea * as druing a typhoo 颱風期

hemhem - 1. to let cool off * asr cei

after itha cooke d 飯煮後

留未熄之演慢慢冷卸 2. to wrap someth ngi

ar onu

da baby to k



warm 用 -包布或其他東西包暖嬰孩

hfog - 1. ho


ed o

tuplace 凹陷之地 , 坊洞 , 地鐘之地 2. ditc h*

trenc h 壞溝 , 鞋溝 , 戰攘

Masahfohfog ko'ogco. y- T

eh rock i shoowed o

tu. 岩石凹陷

Mi panay cagrai hfogay a omah.一T

va lely. 他在低鐘之田地收割


w、ere harve tisng in a

hger一* tiresome wit reference to activity 穿孔 , 關於令人厭倦 的


. hicay - a fi sh* Long fi-nned Herring 鯽魚、

mihicay- to take minnow sof Herring from t

eh ocean for c


tion in feeding pond son land 捕魚苗( from Amoy dialect 引


bicep - to urp water 吸水

hicoci - deacon 男執事 deac

2. to arrive at 到達

noe ss女執事 c hc htrea sruer 教

1 cur 會會計 ( from Japane es 引 自 日 語 )

hiera I tfo . 1. place to p

tu yo

ru feet or ve

ihcle 目的地 , 到達之

kaih craan- place of arriva l 目的地 , 到達之處 , 落腳之處 , 定居的

take a long re t s * vacation 休息 , 假 日

higat I sigat. to wipe off o 肘,bsottom ft over ool from a bowel

movement 屁股未擦乾淨 , 肛門還留有微些糞便

大highig - foo dprovided on wedding day for 伽 bri

ed ’suncle sand

relative s結婚時為新娘 的伯舅及親戚而準備的食物 ( 菜館 )

higway I dihway. too large to fit * of clothing 衣服太大不合身

hikoki - airp anl e 飛機 ( from Japane es51 自 日語 )


hima - to raig

then o


tsiautio nwith word sof co

cniliation or

comfort 安慰 , 緩和, 用和解與安慰 的話餒和 ( 弄直 , 整頓 , 矯正 )

himaw Isimaw. to watch * spuervise 監視 , 照顧 , 看



的心肌 hkal

himed I simed. to hide things 隱藏 , 藏東西

himrac - to thresh out comp etle ly謂若再三探討後獲得結論之意

hina﹒ I kina-. prefix meaning man ytimes 常常( 用 於字首 )

1_C, hinac - to have no luck in getti

gn something * ke fishing /

hunting Igetting an in

獵或結親時 ).


空...沒有得到 , 沒有獵獲( 抓魚 , 打

hinag I sinag.

abdl e * of.aknife or machete or ax 刀 , 妞 , 刀 口

hinalomay 一個edi

ebl vegeta



hinam一to go to ok a * to see a


obut a situa iotn 堪察 , 察

hinapec - dou

心 , 憂心伸伸

tb * not eve in or trust 猶豫 , 不信 , 懷疑 , 擔

hinasolay - an edi


af yvegeta



hinefa - to prostrate onese f lf atl on the stomach 趴著 , 趴於地上 ,

伏睡 , 伏地

hinig 一l to ok secret ly* peek 俑 , 窺視

look(Kwangfu) 看 , 注靚(光復語 )

('-. hinokop - to prostrate onese f l with forehead against the

ground 俯伏在地 , 倒下的 , 平伏的 , 仆倒的

hinom - to comfort * encourage * conso e l

安慰 , 鼓勵 , 慰 問

hirahir - a p anl t ca


Hau (Hi

isbcus iaceus) 黃懂

·hitay - so dilers 軍人 ( from Japanese 亨︱ 自 日 語 )

hiterter一to nd on one s ’ buttocks 由 上而下掉下來屁股先著地

( ·hitfo I hatfo. to ap * jump from a

obve 由 上跳下來

hitroc - to jump across a gap 跨越撮溝

hiwatid I siwatid . t the rest 分離 , 獨單的 , 離輩





Mihawitid cigra. - He separated himse lf. 他使自 己m立 , 他離開獨


Mahawitid cigra. - He was not inc udl ed 他被孤立 , 他不被包含在

hiya ' - what-you-call-it

* term given to something you can’t出ink· of

the name for 遺個,那個,說話時忘了所要提的事物以hi ya 傲代詞

- to stoop * squat. 時,彎腰


hkal - earth 外面 , 地球,世界




talahkal - come to light * be reveale 到世上 , 到外面 , 顯露出 來 , 啟示 出來

Jpatalahkal - confess * ·reveal 承認,認罪 , 自認 , 啟示:, 告別

lhkal ko sowal nira. - What he �aid was very dear. 他的 話言簡意


blip 一 to suck in as with a straw 吸 , 用吸管吸取。




blog I slog. to take off * of clothing or a

harness 脫 , 卸裝 , 卸掉甲宵。

hmay - cooked rice 飯

odrnments or

hmek - 1. to admire 高興 , 讀美 2. be happy with 快樂

.jpahmek - to praise * cause to be admired * to honor 讚羹 ,

J ﹜<ahmekan - something that is admired 值得講賞

hmot - rectum * bot orm 屁股, 臀部

hna - an untranslatable particle serving to draw attention to· the

hearer 不可轉譯的前置詞引聽者注意之詞

hnek - very good 好 , 很好

hnek a sra - ferti e! soil 肥氏之土地 , 上選地

hnot - to be stuck * as in mud j尼檸’ 泥沼

- to·

get stuck * not move ahead 陷入泥淳, 泥沼

- to rub till it shines 磨到發亮

hodhod I dawdaw. to dry with fire 烘烤,烘乾 烘燒

hodoc I sodoc. to pull out * draw * as a sword 拔掉 , 拔 出

( 刀 、 劍等 )

I sofoc. to give birth 生產

kahofocan - day of giving birth * birthday 生日

hogko - separator of cha ff

dialect 51 自 閩南語 )

from grain 風谷機 ( from Amoy

hogti - king * ruler 國王, 皇帝 ( from A rnoy dialect 引自 閩南

語 )


kalahogtian - time of the rule of a king封王之日

hoig - cour 法院 (from Japanese 引自 日語)

hoka 1 - to loosen something that was tight * as a belt 鬆 掉, 弄鬆

mihoka' to faloco'一to open the heart * become more open

minded 把心放鬆 ’ ,心情 放鬆




J :,



0 0 \l

I 1"'


hokap - to use hand as a dish for food 用手抓魚

ho泌的k - t . do something secretly 隱秘做些事 * as to lie m

wait or to secretly tel lsomething 正如埋伏或密告

holak - to loosen * as a tight be t l


hola m I Ho lam l K apig I Kw apig I Migkok . China *

Ch einse中國 人 , 軍 人 , 中華民國

holaymay - term for com mon kind of r cei

Japanese 引自 日語 )

grain 蓬萊米 ( om

久�holo I 『a 1 am . 1. soft watery cooked 稀飯 rice 稀飯 、粥 2.1

hmay. ordinary cooked rice 飯

,flv holol_/ saiama I halama. to go visiting * relaxing 訪問, 拜訪,


1,1 homog - 1. to visi someone to enco


Japanese 引自 日語 ) 2 seaweed 海生植物

homox - smooth

honi - 1. I soni . so

nud 聲音 2. immi nent time * in a


! mome tn

緊急的 , 一會兒

..fclno honi - in a mo men (future) 待會兒, 等一下

Jihoni - a few mo ment ago 剛才

_;honihoni - fre qeunt yl


hopac I sopac. to rub skin with soap and cloth in washing 皮府


- crumbly soft dirt 粉碎、粉末

horac - L empty * ho



中空的、空虛的 2. no meaning 無意

Malahorac ko faloco『nagra. - Their hearts became empty 他們

horiyac - to be slick 滑

)tahoriyac - to slip and slide on something slick 滑倒

horiyoc - crooked * win

曲的 ( 如東海津 )

idng * a sthe coa t sl


龍捲風 , 彎彎曲

hotiso - name of a water flower * Commo nWater Hyaci

tnh 布 袋

(E chi ho ma i cra spsei

. a naquatic floati ngplantthat mi

rgate s

with tnuning water 浮萍 (from Japa

enes引自 日 語)

howad - 1. clams 九孔 2. to lift up 抬高、弄高 、弄 翻






howak I maimai. 1. duck s2. howak nor yai r -W gei o n



pik - to f


ldo w


s* a sa b rdi

fold s s


hpol - 1. to drop off 落下 , 掉下 2. I spol. to forgive 赦

Mahp。 Ito ko raraw nira. -H is sinsare forgiven. 他的罪已被赦免

hrek 一1. to be fini hsed * completed 完畢 , 結束 , 完成 2. after

somethi ngis done 某事完成之後

hrek no lahok -after the noon meal 午飯後... , 午後 , 下午

Mapahrekto ko tayal nira. -Hi swork i


when) 當他的工作成之後

-fsini hsed. 他的工作已經做

i pahrekan no tayal nira -after his work is finished (time


Mapahrekto ko kter no Kawas to raraw.


has been sat sfiied

- -


concerning sin (implying adequacy of Jesus work). 上帝的憤怒

已中ll:了 ( 意指耶穌的工作 )

to squeese out * press out * as juice from fruit _Pl.榨 ,

壓 , 如壓榨果汁

mahtec ko tireg

to become skinny after being fat 身體變瘦

i -a grammatical particle indicating 1. place 地點 2. time past 過



i『i c

a white vegetation growing on tree s * a kind of


. mushroom 寄生於木頭上的香菇 、 草類

icila -recent past time * the intervening time being marked by

lengthened -vowel 昨天,前幾天 , 近幾天前

J icilaayho

recently * not long ago 不久 前 , 最近地

where? 那里

- wh chi

one? 那一個


1. everywhere 到處 2. wherever 任何地方

idag I widag. friend * someone with whom one i sacqua

tiend *

a very ordinary relat oni

hspi for a long period of time 朋友彼 此認

識、熟悉 , 長久的普通朋友 * not a ni ne-dpth relatio

snhip 不是

親密關係 , 關係不密切 * However one s ’spouesca ribe referred

j to a sa fr e i dn. 配偶也以朋友相稱

idagaw -word used to addre ssfrie dn




- \ i、(


idek I Idek. tilo I tarakar .ni Idek. rai

bnow 彩虹


o enwho work shard by nature without bei ngtold what t

do 努力工作從不間斷 , 勤勉 , 勤奮

igid - next to * alo ng de of * near 旁邊、 接近、靠近

o iigid�y nira - the o

enalo ng de of him 他旁邊的 , 他的鄰

他 的鄰座

igki -i kn

墨汁 (from Japa

enes a

dn E ni hs

亨︱自 曰:文及英文)


igpic - pe


cnil 鉛筆 ( from Japa

enes引 自 日 語 )

ihakowa I ihacowa. whe

?n (pa t s time) 何時 , 甚麼時候 ( 過去

式 )

ihoni I isoni. a little bit a

og * ju t sa mome

剛才 , 方才

tna og

\ g叫or

-bad 感嘆詞 , 對看來無法勝任 , 但均達成某種程度的讀嘆詞

a nexclamatio nmarker expre

iss nga reactio nto somethi ngeither

ikor - after * behi dn 以後

J naikoran



tuatio nafter somethi ngor someo neha sgoneor

end 所 經過之事 , 事情經過之後 , 某人走了 之後 , 之情境 ,

naniaykor - from the back (movi ngtowards)從後面 , 從背後

iikor - 1.-i npo

itsio nof bei ngbehi dn

在後面 , 以後 , 將來 2


talarikor - 1. to goto the back 到後面 2 re

rge ss 退步 , 落後

afterw-ards 後來 , 以後

o iikoray

tho es who come afterward s後面的 , 後到的 , 遲到的


to mill out rice by gri

dni ng推磨稻穀成粗米 , 再磨成粉


milli ngmachi

en * mill tos

en 磨 翰機 , 磨穀機 , 礦米機

Hoh - to set o nf rei

焚燒 , 點燃( 大火) , 燒毀

imah - to wa

tn* de irse which i snormal a

喜歡 , 費

dn natural

渴慕 , 熱切希望

kaimahan - object of phy icsal de irse * e psecially the focu sof

sexual de irse 所喜歡的東西 , 渴慕的對象

imatini I ano hatini I ii'omatini. rihgt now 現在 , 此刻

im eg I ta yrig . policema n 警 , 揀出所 , 街門 ( from Amoy

·引 自 閩南語

di leact

lmegen cigra.' :_GuardI kee him i npri os . n 監 , 守

imowa I mowa. fiber from a pla

tnfor maki ngrope 可用來製繩子


的 , 大麻 假黃麻 ( from Amoy dialect 引 自 閩南語 )



impi - shovel 圓撒 ( from ..Amoy d aliect "51自閩南語 )

ina I wina. mothe 母親

吋1aliina - to be attached to o

en' smother .孝n嗔母親

I sal。wi『1awi『1aan _;. relat v i

es親戚 , 親屬

amily wim。伽身

isawina I pa.lawina - to play adult activities * imitative play of

children 辦家家酒,小孩遊戲

- mother * of all animal life 雌性動物(家畜)被為繁

mother. 送他到您母親家


Panokayen cigra ci inaan iso. - Send him home to your

inacila - recent past time * yesterday * with lengthened vowel

(inaci:la) may point back several days 不久前,昨天,前些日于

inafaran/ lnafaran . the name of an Amis village 台東縣嘉駛村稻


inaneg - to work hard * be diligent 很認真,很勤勞,勤勉,勝


inapil - the sash worn by men in native costume 古代男性腰帶

incay - spinach 空心菜(from Amoy dialect 引自閩南語)

ini - here * near at hand * 這兒,此地 referring to something or

someone nearby 指某東西,靠近業人的東西

inig / lnig. name of an Amis village 台東市康樂部落名

ino I gigoy / liloc. to bathe 沐浴,洗澡

、�ain。『- 1. to give a bath'給...洗澡 2. to baptize 施洗(基督教


Jmapaino『- 1. to be bathed 被洗(澡)過 2. to be baptized 受

ira - 1. there is * existing 存在 2. to be present 出現 3. to

have 有

ira sato一·to be at this point 到了以 ,屆時

aira - .there will be 將要有 , 即將有

sakaira -'- reason for being * means of being 存在的理由,原因,


isairaira一to bluff * to act like one has or is som的ing h is

not 虛張聲勢 , 偽裝成某 人,佯裝他人 , 狐假虎威


iray I ' res. 1. o rna mental 裝飾

2. to

bo sat

sh wo




.. .東西或人為榮 ( 傲)

耀. 3. mai ary. to feel good




iro -a connective with some



of the force of

Ni samaanan i ro tomaig c

brought on his

cigra - What

·Jnawi rIo



mana- 1. why? 為何? 2. for

what purpos


為何 目


3. what was t

eh cause? 甚麼原因

現在 , 此 時 , imatini

isaw -to not feel like eating in the morning 沒有胃 口 ( 尤指早餐 ) .‘

isi ' - urine * · to urinate 尿


isig - doctor * medi

醫生 ,


acl personnel in lcuding

(f orm Amoy dialect 引自 閩南語


g_.:. 1. to go to the medical

care (from the doctor s ’ perspective) 給 予醫藥

./. pia

gan-hospital * clinic 醫院 , 診所



pronoun 代名詞

iso -you * your 你 ( 的 ) (singular 單 數)


ita -us * we * includ nig both the speake rand heare r 我們 ( 包括

- 說 者與聽者 ) * a pronoun 代名詞

itini -here 這里 , 這兒 * place pronoun 地方代名詞

v -:- put . (it) here. 放在這襲, 置 於此地


-Put it here for awhile. 暫 時擱在這兒

-start here 從這兒開 始

-there 在 那兒 * place p ornoun

-Put (it) there. 置於 那襄


-to identify wit or take position with someone or some

situation 從那邊開始



raen-place there tempo ar ilry 暫 時擱置在 那兒

-refers to a position away from the speaker * the


cne being indicated by the length of the vowel 指示遺與說



斗1akitira一star ng there 從那見開始

﹜itiya - then * at that point int mje 、當時 , 那時 , 彼 時

Jitiyaho- a long time ago 從前

Ji tiyato- at that point (a change comes ,就在那時(變化 , 改變,






lwatan / lwatan




o itiyaayho a tamdaw

-古代的人, 以 前的人

the people of a former time 早期的人,

nanitiya aca


from the on (no

jt s


rtecen lyt)

- --.

iwatan I Iwatan IManowan. Bunin ibe 排椅族



an exclama on meaning disgus ttodraw a tn iotn · ot the

hearer 驚嘆 的意義


ka'dah I kacdah. ho t* peppery 辣,辛辣,嚴酷刻薄的(指責時 )

ka 'ka'

toroar wi ht laugh ert


ka I mag

-y.oung 年輕 * chi dl ohod 小孩

J ka1 magay

children * youngs ert


i ka1 maganho

during one's you ht



1 oxen of Taiwan 台灣黃牛 2. milk cows 乳牛


1 I ka’ped. sof t* ligh t輕軟 2.easy tomanage 容易



ka' med ko faloco' - responsive hear t心 軟,易感動

misaka1 med to dmak - do some hitng the easy way 以簡單 的方 法


ka1 med ko 'aca

cheap price 價格便宜,廉價 的

ka'mi' I ko 1 mi1. flexible * moveab le 很軟,具伸縮性,可移 動的

ka『mi kc fal�o' - responsive * agreeable * nder 心軟,易感

- -

動,親切宜人 的,和藹可親 的

ka 1 nih - the urge tohave a bowel movemen t 內急(想排便 )


kaogtoay I kado『egay. a bird ca

(俗名魚狗 )


Co mon Kingfisher 翠鳥



sof t* ligh t柔軟 wi htli ertal and abs ratc


mt eanings

含柔軟 此字的寬和抽象意義

ka1 ped kc sowal

tobe sof

stp-oken 說 話很溫


ka『 peo kc kan:iaro' an

tplace tosi t椅墊柔軟,座椅柔軟

ka 1 red


fiand ro-lled s ritng made from a plan t打繩子,拈線,拉


ka1 ped.: ko sra

ka『SO 1

ground is easy towork 泥土鬆軟易於翻動

tomake s ritng 做繩子

delicious *

good s intg 好吃,美味可 口 ,味道佳美




�apaka1 so'an - looks good tasting 看起來好像很可 口 的樣子

ka ' tohay - a wine bottle 酒瓶

kacaw - to watch the village from the village tower 守衛、或備、


而kacawan - a lookout tower in former Amis villages * Place

where youth sle



dri guarded the village 瞭望台 , 哨站 ,守備

kacawas I sinar. watermelon 西瓜

kacep一的*的to catch a ball 接球或丟過來的東西 , 棚


kacica 1 ay - a tree * Para rubber Tree 巴西橡皮樹 kacidalay - an insect * praying mantis 蟑螂 kacihragan - summertime 夏天

kaciki - Sw

日 語)

rodfish 旗魚 (Xiphias gladius) (from Ja

apnese 引自

- goose 鶴( from Ja

apnese 引自 日 語 )

kacolah - a garden hybrid flower called Garden Glorybower (Clerdendron) 珠寶蓮

kadac - 1. large square-sha

epd container made of reeds 竹製籃 2.

tubs used for trans

用 )

oprt of rice seedlings 農 人裝袂苗之籃 ( 括棋時

·.°'' kadafo I 'acawa. an in la-w 媳婦,女蜻

Jnikadafo - to go as an in la-w into the home of one's s

opuse * In

a matrilineal society like the Amis this meant that the man went into the wife s ’ home. 出嫁 , 入贅

�ikadafoan - ace where you become an in la-w 婆家或入贅的家

kadafowagay I tolatolaw. large white bird called Cattle Egret or

Little Egret 自鷺絲

kadag - 1. bracelet 手錫 2. nose ring for water buffalo 水 牛鼻璟

) pakadag - put a nose ring in 裝鼻璟

kadamat - membrane in the inner flesh 薄膜

kada wagay - 1. l

nog-legged mosquito 長 開蚊 2r1

主越過主鐘里y_ name of a vegetable 競菜名(花蓮語)

kadipohaw I maporahaw I m afodad I karipohaw. to have

bad vision 靚覺模糊

' 125



\ (丸d C'、



!t-.(t\ -t0


kadit - 1. I’onig dir t* ·dir yt

污垢 2. Itoem. cloud 烏

kadkad - 1. toli erta lyl


search inside of fo some hitng 、探究事情

2. to i

vnes igta e t




pants 內褲

kafid - the name of an a Hsovereign god as kno

nw in Yuli :Reish


area * suitable term for the Christian God-God thFa het r

, 玉里領瑞穗地區阿美族所敬拜的統治神明以 此 名稱稱基教的


kafit - 1. attached to * stuck to 黏住 , 貼住 2. to hang 懸掛 3.

related to 連接 , 關連 , 相關

Makakafit kita aci Vis. - We are related * have a relationship to

Jesus. 我們和耶穌相連

kaflaw I afsa' I kafsa'. to be without tast 沒味道 , 淡淡的

kafog - hat * anything worn on the head 帽子

akaf。gen - to put a hat on someone 給人戴帽子

伊akafogen - to put on one s ’ hat 戴帽子

kafooy I’rafay. an earthen vessel used in old days for cooking

rice or soup 容器 , 器血( 壺 、鈴 ) 可用 來煮飯和煎菜

kafos - a species of fish 特別的一種漁

kafsa 1 I afsa 1. tasteless * as something without salt 無味 , 淡淡無

味( 未加鹽 ) , 鹹殊不足

kafsa' k。 sowal - speech is not interesting 說 話無趣 , 索然無味

kafso - to be hollo w* as the inside of a balloon 中空的 , 空的

kafosay a knaw - the green tops of round onions * with hol -

lowed out stalks 洋蔥

- the smell of urine 尿臭味

"kagdaw - 1. green 綠 2. blue 鞋 , 蒼白

kagdaway - Ba


bmoo Snake * green with red patterned tail 紅尾

kagic - dragon 龍

kagkag I tafi . a plow t1l.具


plo wthe

f、ield 摯田

v'p ikag kagan - 1. time to plow 摯回 時期 2. field to be


ewd 要耕之間

ka�ofo - nurse 護士(from Japanese 引自 日 語 )

kahcid -1. sal yt * as sea weart

alec ) t

鹹 ·2. s

ewet 甜 Hualien di

kahclday - 1. something salty 鹹的東西 2. name of an Amis




village 成功鎮和平部落名

kahdogay/papa’。gay. a vegetat oni


gro wgin insand so l i *

The Anis iused to smoke the plant for insect repellan 生長在沙

地上的植物(蘆筍) ,阿糞族用這種植物來燒成煙以驅走昆過

kahgag -red 紅色

弘"iCrCtt:t•l一11 t.

kahi -to agree 同意 , 首肯

makahi -to be agreeable to 同意

caay ka kahi -not agree 不同意

kahir I karih. to rake * spread 耙 * as when drying nee on

the thresh ngi

floor 用耙子耙 攏或靶散穀物 ( 晒教時 )

\YI\ kahirahira - all variet esi

見 , 切被惡魔的邪靈附著而生病

kalala I Kalala. the name of an Amis village 加納納部 kalamkam / kaliki. soon * quickly 迅 , 立刻

Kalamkamen ko dmak. - Do the activity quickly.


kalapiyat 一 lightning * in flash form 閃電

kalas - title for the oldest age group of men in the v il lage *

eighty years old or older 在村落較長者之一畫之名稱 , 在 80


ι﹔ kalasal -1 spa�es between * as to plant rice sparsely 稀鬆不密如 種植水稻間隔稀鬆 2. loosely woven 鬆強地編製 ( 如網或籃等 )

kalat - 1 to bite literally 咬 ( 字面上的 ) 2. to be burned as by

the sun 陽光強烈 3. to have an allergic reaction 過敏反應 4.

切 hurt 傷害 , 傷口 疼痛

越通告lO sapayo ko fages. - Skin reacts to medication. 吃藥引

起皮 膚過敏

Mikalat ko sowal 川ra. - His words inflict hurt. 話中帶......


kalatim I sait. to cut with scissors 剪斷 , 剪裁

vakalatim - scissors 剪刀

kalaw - eyebrows 眉毛

kalawal / lawal . 1. a flying squirrel 飛鼠 2. /'koka. walkirlg

stilts 高蹺

kaleg - a deep voice 深沈的聲音 h" \..R

71月 , 14 d. ' \ 斗

kales I kadat.

a comb

jni.k叫“斗 fokes - to comb hair 硫頭髮

kali I kegkeg. channels for water in the fields * ditch 水溝 , 灌溉


mikali - to make a ditch * channel 挖水均︱︱ ( 水溝 )

行l\ ' kalic - 1 to climb 爬 2. I dakaw. to board a vehicle or

animal 乘 , 嘴 , 搭

kalidkid - the rapid flow of water 水急 , 水的流勢鴻急

I Kaligko. Hualien 花道 ( from Japarie叫︱自 日語

kali蚣 , - sound of rocks nioving 石頭移動之聲音

·t kalileg I karlreg. a wheel 輪子

ν 1 31


kallllg - .

kalilig I ’ iros. spoon 、* originally made rom bamboo 湯匙



  1. impatient *


    wanting some­

    thing to happen 期盼 , 企望 2.

    teeth hurt from eating something sour 牙酸 ( 吃酸類之食物引 起牙齒酸痛 )

    kallllg 甜,匙

    makalim ko wadis


    teeth hurt 牙齒酸



    a species of a tree with leaves that are edible 葉子可

    kalitag - 1. string beans * green beans 長豆 2. a fish called


    Hairtail (Trichiurus haumela) 魚名



    1. a wagon wheel 輪胎的模樣 2. a round portion of rice

      bread that has been beaten out of glutinous rice ,一塊 ( 肉或儒米 糕等的計量單位 )



      a sore erupting from inside * a boil 痔 , 痔瘡

      the name of a demon who is very tall and lifts people



      putting them in tall trees or on the mountain. He meets people

      anywhere 叫 伽 person suddenly becomes ill or has fever. 鬼 名 , 牠身量高大 , 常拐學人放在高樹或山上 , 人們遇到牠即生病或發高




      yellow 黃色 .

      kaliyawan I Kaliyawan. name of an Amis village and clan 民族

      名 , 花蓮縣機場西南邊之地名或部落名


      a grammatical particle with the sense of 1. ordinary 一

      2. all * every 每一個 , 各 自 ﹒ 全部

      kalo maamaan I kali maamaan. all things 所有的事物

      kalo tayal

      ordinary work 所有的工作 , 任何的工作 , 各 種不同的

      -- ·

      kalocoday I kanocoray. plants called 植物名稱 1. Viburnum Iuzonicum. Rolfe 瑪磁果 ( 子仔 ) 2. Viburnum Iuzonicum Rolfe vari. oblongum卵葉英蓮

      1. boomerang * the echo of thunder 隆隆聲 , 木頭相


a species of fish called Chinese Catfish (Parasilurus

asotus) 動魚


1 32


kaloh -


撞的響聲 , 雷聾的回響 2. a kind of hot pepper 一種辣椒


a soft rock 蠶軟之岩石

kalolo I mihtagal . to wash one's hair 說髮


- 1. to make love in preparation for the sex act 調顱 , 調

, 挑逗 2. animals playing with each other 動物使嬉戲的現


kalosa ’ ay


-a nickname for a plant which bleeds easily 一種植



物折斷其 葉會流 出很多 汁液而取名為 kalosa' ay

2. a kind of

kalo togan

the place of monke ys 猴蠹棲息之處 * /

Kalotogan. the name of an Amis village 阿美族加體洞部落名

11\ kalto

1. I

cafer. to stop along the way 中途歇腳 2. implies invit­

ing person to join 順道邀請人參與

I kay-am . hands * including the arm 手 ( 包含手臂 )


食的習慣 )


hands 用 手吃東西 ( 意指阿美族用手抓飯進

gloves 袖子 , 手套 , 套袖 , 筒袖


to stretch out or raise one's hand 伸手 , 舉手 , 援助



Tanokamay han nira. - He did it by

kamaya -a bush called Taiwan Ebony Velvet Apple (Diospyros



-* including using toes. to grab on with 包含用 腳趾緊抓之

kamet I mamet . to grasp or grab when slipping 抓 ( 滑

時 )




us * we (excluding the hearer) 我們 ( 聽者除外 ) See

Appendix 1 - Pronouns 參閱附錄 I 代 名詞


thin * threadbare * of cloth 布料 , 破布 , 碎布


I kakawit. small sickle 鍍刀

kamkam I pili 1. to separate chaff from harvested grain using hands

to throw the chaff away 被說 , 從稻殼中用 手檢說 , 丟棄祖儼

kamleg - slick * slippery * as a trail

you plural 你們 See Appendix




kamodo ' __,a tree * Formosan Sweet-leaf * pliable and doesn't.

月 控灰木

kamoko - a command to stop moving 令安靜 , 不可亂動





n 1'h .;


k<J.DlOko ' I mam-ako ’. short in length 鈕 , 經暫的 , 剎那

kamoraw 1.




to . make shorter 弄鈕 , 剪 , 縮鐘

a tree * White bark fig * Weeping Fig (Fiscus

benjamin) 自榕 2. India Laurel Fig (Fiscus microcarpa) 榕

樹 3. known in some areas as pomelo tree 有些地區設稱為柚類





a tree called Gonostegia hirta 懦米糟

to walk awkwardly with legs apart 屁股或陰部生瘡 , 或

有陰疾 , 走娶不正之模樣




1. to the west 往西 2. name of an Amis village 嘉平

kanalog I Kanalog. name given by the Kaliyawan to an Amis





gums * flesh in the mo


齒麟 , 牙林

kananini I kahnanini I nahini . a req

(close) 請靠過來 , 挨近一點

eust 一 “come here"


a basket made of bamboo

reeds 小籃子 ( 竹製品 ) 2. a

container for fish I karihic I kapitan I

kopid. 漁-民裝 魚之籃子


1. loosely woven * of cloth

or baskets 籃子或布編製成稀鬆不

2. to be nearly bald 疏落 , 稀鬆

kan a tal

1. island 陸地 , 2.

country 國家 , 國土 , 土地 , 地域 , 地

kani 'ki I maniki . to

* as when the


up 因髒感到不適


detest looking at house is messed

kanas 小籃子

( 插

kanicaw I cinaw. a basket to hold rice plantings (seedlings)

棋時裝棋苗搬運用 ) 半圓形竹籃 , 置換苗籃

k剖lifagar IKanifagar. the name of an Amis village 隆昌村之名


fish 一種特別的魚


dawn 黎明 , 破曉時分

1. a species of bird 一種特別的鳥 2. a species of


kanini I knanini. come here 靠近些




kanir - to be eager to go

oblongum 卵葉英蓮

kanocoray I kalocoday. plants called 1. Viburnum Iuzonicum Rolfe 瑪瑜果 ( 紅子仔 ) 2. Viburnum luzonicum Rolfe var.

kanoos 一 fingernails 指甲 * toenails 胸趾 甲 * claws 爪

Jmilikanoos - to. cut nails 剪指甲

kansiya - to praise * offer thanksgiving 感恩 , 讀羹 , 感


( from Japanese 自 日

謝 ( from Japanese 引自 日語 ) kansiyasay - harvest festival 感恩節

語 )

kantiw - a method of securing something 一個堅固東西的方式


to receive attention * re­

ward * From olah. 喜愛 , 酬報


vPakaolahen cigra to nano nika lalok nira. - Reward her for her

diligence. 因她的勤勉而獎賞她


kan’lw 堅固萊茵的方式

0 maan ko sapakaolah ita cigraan?

柄 、 繩 、 皮帶等

- What shall we give her for a reward? 們以什麼酬謝她 string or strap attached to something for tying 繫在東西上的



1. to lay hands upon 在...上按手 , 張手觸摸 2. to ordain

for the ministry 傳教師封牧的按手禮

kapah - 1. beautiful

-* pretty 漂亮美麗 , 風華絕代 , 標緻 2. a

kapagiay - a tree called Triumfetta bartramia 刺蹦蹦

young man I men 青年人 , 年輕人

makapahay ko riko'

clothes are pretty 衣服漂亮

J ma叫apahay - still young looking, 依舊年輕

/sakapahen - make look pretty 修飾漂亮 , 美化

- palm of the hand 手掌

- to place in hand 放於手掌上

I capet. to catch * as a ball 接 , 抓 , 接球

kapi - 1. concubine * mistress 妾 , 掰婦 , 拼居 2. partner * one

like the . other 移伴

Makakapi ko pilayap nira. - He got a second gift to· go with the


first. 他得雙份禮物 , 他二者兼得




Makakapi k。 pitatoy nira. → He carried something in both hands (for balance). 他二手各拿東西 ( 為保持平衡

Makakapi ko codad ita a tayra I kyokay. - We caπy companion

Cikapi cigra to H olam.

books to church (Bible and hymnal). 我們併拿二本書上教堂 ( 聖 經和聖詩 )

- - He has a Chinese mistress. 他有外省籍




1. I Holam I Migkok. Chinese China 外省人 , 大陸人 , 宮

兵 , 漢人 2. a large red bean 大型紅豆


1. a tree called Guapiles Balsa 輕木 ( 向 塞木 ) 2.

Euphorbiaceae * Macaranga timarius 血桐 3. I karihic. a bas­


ket for holding shellfish made from bamboo and carried at the waist 竹簣 , 綁在腰部以抓貝殼或魚的竹籃

kapkap - 1. potapot I niwaniw. to weed rice plants in the flooded



fields 農人趁插快未久 , 泥土軟黏之際用 雙手攪土除草之動作 2 to reach out and feel with hands for something you cannot see * grope 暗中摸索





a tree called Taiwan pittosporum 台灣海桐

a plant used by Japanese to make cloth * Triumfetta


bartramia 刺前麻 ( 黃花現母頭 )

associate * colleague ﹒ 助手 , 同 伴 , 同事 , 夥伴 , 儕輩


J mikapot

to associate with * be partner with * have fellowship


with 參與



to be placed in association with 被安置在某一團體之


中 , 被混入於一畫集團之中


J kasakapot

to belong to a group 團契 , 屬於團契 each group 每一個團體


1. a small earthen jar *

pottery 大陶碗 , 僻 * used to store left

over cooked food 用來儲蓄剩餘的東西 2. a small bamboo basket for serving refreshments 用來備置茶點的小竹籃

kara - 1../ karot. to rake the muddy fields

with a water buffalo 耙 ’ 牛拖耙 ( 用於弄

平或攪拌泥土kapowa 大陶碗



--a rake 耙于


kara 1 ka1

the sound of a creaking-wagon 牛車之聲 車l之聲



a prefix meaning to have the habit of * to continually

首之 , 有. 習性之意

0 karamagahay a tamdaw cigra.

He is always lying. 他總是

Karapaskaay ko faloco『 nira.

中 有-很多的壓抑

He has a lot of inhibitions. 他心

karahay I kalahay I kirig. a woman’s back shield made from

bamboo used in the fields to protect from the sun 婦女背上用遮

陽之保護物 , 用竹井製成


small shells or other objects

used as charms in spirit worship 小玻

璃珠 , 用 於咒術害人 * these contain

special powers called “mana” 附鬼魂

- - -


karapanay I samado I salipanay.

tares 募草 , 牌 子 , 像 稻 子 的 一 種 草

karahay �賜遮雨之工具


1. inferiors * people below in rank 劣等的 2. younger


age 年輕人 3. down river from 下游



rough uneven rock 崎嘔不平 , 粗糙不平之岩石

cikaratay a ' ogcoy


a rough boulder 粗糙 , 被水侵蝕之圈石 , 瞬



kari ’ ag

sky * mid-heaven 天空 , 蒼 天

persecute * mistreat by word or act 破壞 , 迫害 , 虐待

( 用話或行動逼迫害人或物 )

karico’ co’ I kalimoco '. corner inside a room or enclosed

place 角-落 , 房子的死角

. ·,.. �.


spider web 蜘蛛網

karih I kahir. to rake * as when raking rice on the drying

floor 拿耙于耙攏東西 ( 如散晒在地板上的穀子

J sakarih

bamboo and · wood rake 耙子

karihic I kapitan I kanas � a basket for shellfish and snaifs etc. 接魚蝦或海產的小籠 ( 小 口 提簣 , 口 緣一根繩子 made of





bamboo * small and carried on the waist 形小而繫在腰間

.karihkih _;_ a rustling sound 沙沙瘋瘋之

kariwkiway - parasite sea life (Pagurus

colidus) 寄居蟹

1i karkar I korkor. generic word for digging

in the soil 挖土 , 掘土

karo ' I kamor aw. pomelo tree and

fruit 抽子

ka�og - to carry a message 傳消息 , 傳信息 ka巾le 'l · r:i提 饗

Jm ikarog to give message to youth messengers 時年輕信差帶信


Vlpakar甸甸 - a messenger 報信者 * a young person in the di­

vison of responsibilities of the village 在年齡階級中 , 階級最低

位a 的一級 , 其行動完全聽命於年長者的命令

roniron I roniron. a thor y tre used for carving out a wooden

rice steamer 刺桐

karooday I karootay. the name of a snail 蝸牛 ( 海螺 )

karootay I karooday. the name of a snail 蝸牛 , 小尖螺

karop 一 to gather with hands something into a shallow basket shaped like a dustpan 收集東西 ( 五穀 ’ 沙泥 , 垃圾 , 紙屑等 ) 放


J sakarop - rubbish basket 垃圾袋 , 錶冀

karoroan I Karoroan. the name of an Amis village 台東加路蘭和


karot I kara . 1. to rake the muddy fields with a water buffalo 大

耙 ’ 牛拖耙 ( 用於 弄平或攪拌泥土以 便播種或插袂 ) 2. to rake rubbish 耙垃圾

karotod - rough * referring to the surface of anything 組糙的 , 皮

膚長一粒一粒的東西 * as for example rough ground 租糙的土 地 , 地表起伏不平

karototoyay - a plant with edible leaves and roots used for

medicine 這植物可食其嫩葉且根莖可用 來製成藥

karteg Ifa ' ket. 1. heavy 重 2. difficult 困難

Ka吋eg k。 faloco『 ako. - My heart is weighed down with

1 �SI



早,ko kawanan

Karteg ko tayal nira. - Two meanings 1. He has to lift in his work. 作煩重 2. His work is difficult. 的工f'F.很困 難 , 不能勝任

kasaparan - numbness or tingling as when circulation is cut

off 麻木 , 麻痺 * lit�ral and figurative meanings 包含字面上


111"s ' heart is not responsive 心灰意冷

kasid - 俘木 2. Pacific current 黑潮

kasoy -- 薪柴

vfnikasoy - hunt for firewood 拾薪 , 按柴 , 砍柴

katacomoli I coli ' I toko . edible hardbacked garden snails 蝸

牛 (from Japanese 引自 日 語)

V mikatac。moli - to hunt for snails 撿蝸牛

katakat - to lift something heavy with hands by oneself 用雙手及

腰部力量抬舉或搬運沈重荷物 ( 抬的東西高度不超過胸部 )

katar 一. vandalism * to vandalize 蠻橫

Makatar koya wawa. - That child is a vandal. 那孩子蠻橫霸道

katawa I katawaay. castor oil plant * Castor Bean 麓腕 , 綠葉


kater - caught * snagged * as cloth or string 衣服或線卡住 makater - to be snagged 被牽住

kati I ati. a call to come with 吽人過來

kato I akato . enough * stop * a command 不用 了 , 夠 了 , 停止

katofil I filfil . lips 嘴唇

katohay - a kind of liquor 一種飲料

katol - 1. 生皮 2. leather 皮革


katop - Taiwan nato tree 大葉山欖 (from Japanese 引自 日 語)


kawal - 1. ladder 梯子 娃堅豆dg.e 橋 (used in Hua-

lien dialect 花蓮語) 3. pole used to pull down something like betel nut 撐竿

kawala - concrete tile used on roof 瓦丹 (from Japanese 51自 日


kawall - east 東邊

kawanan - right * as opposed to left 右邊