


kawar - a back -pack carrying frame 用木頭製成 , 背或扛東西用

kawas - l. Kawas -God 上帝 2. gods * 諸神 spirits * super ­

natural b eings 靈 , 超自 然存在 3. 拉伯臼 鬼魂

- governing spirits (plural )諸神

kalo kawas - all the spirits 每一種神明

pakawasay - a ghost that reveals himself 鬼魂顯現

J cikawasayI masikawasay. a medium * witch doctor who is sub -

ject to possession by a spirit 巫婆 , 巫師

tatiihay a kawas - demons 惡魔 , 惡靈

midipotay a kawas - gods * spirits that protect 守護神

Palakawakawasen ako ko nika somowal. - I spoke in riddles. 我


做awas to fokloh - make 伽stone a god 尊石頭為神

kawat - a hand -breadth measure 手長度量

kawih - to wave the hand to call to someone 揮手叫 人過來 kawil - a handle for a hoe * spear * etc. 錫頭 , 矛 kawili - left * as <?pposed to right 左邊

masakawiliay ko dmak一to be out of step * awkward 動 作笨拙


kawit - 1. to knit * crochet 用鉤針織布 2. to make nets 製網

kawkaw Imamiya. sickle * long .blade knife with curved

handle 鑽刀 , 長刀, 彎月刀

kawrira I nikawrira. but 然而 , 可是

kayakay - 1. I kawal. bridge 橋 2. to mediate * be middleman 媒 人 3. I kalic. to climb up (as a tree) 爬(如爬 樹)

Mala kayakay cigra a palalitmoh cagraan. - He became a middle ­

man to introduce them. 他成為他們的媒 人 , 他們相識是他作媒 的

Pakayakay cigra to sakagaay nagra a tatosa. - He mediated for

their reconciliation. 他做調停 人使他們和好

Jpakaykay - to make a bridge

(literally) 建橋

kayap -a man s’

apron worn in a

tribal costume 男 人穿著之鎧裙 ,繡 花園裙




{&t.Y rcj Y'j ketkct

kayat 一 to lead by the hand 牽 ’ 牽 手



Makakayat cagra a romakat. - They held hands as they

Kayaten悄悄. 一Lead me by the hand 請用 手牽我

kayhid - to lead along a wrong path * to influence negatively

t男人走歧途 , 誤導人作壞事

Makayhid no tao cigra. 一He is led astray by oth ers 他被別人帶


kayig - young woman * girl in teens or early twenties who is

unmarried 小姐 , 妙齡少女 , 2 0 出 頭之未婚女性

kayki - to meet for discussion 會議 (from Japanese 哥︱ 自 日 語)

kayko - silkworm (from Japanese 51 自 日語 )

kaysig - dish * dishes 碗 , 碟子

、pakaysigan - dish cupboard 櫥櫃

kcec Ifotek. to close eyes 閉眼睛

kced - 1. to shrink 萎縮 , 縮起 2. to return to normal 膨脹東西依


kcor - to look down from above 眺望 , 居高臨下 海ikcoran - viewpoint to look on a scene 暸望台 kdal - 1. drought 乾旱 2. famine 飢荒 Vmakdalay - an old old man 老年人

kdec - tight * tied or fi xed so that it cannot move 緊密

kdof - to be rounded out in shape 窟縷

kegkeg Ikali Ici I ci. a ditch * gutter 水溝

kelkel - a heart response from anger or being provoked or fea r *

causing a person to shake 恐懼 的發抖

kemkem - to chew something hard 用力咀嚼東西

kenken - the muscle activity of the sex act 雄性交配時臀部前後搖

擺 的動作


/i>ake如s - to speak without control or pu 的說話流利 , 純正

ketket - 1. I kakoy to ca 叮y by oneself 拾起來 , 被人拾起 2. to experience 抓住,經歷

0 mlketketay cigra to se.msem. - He is ·experiencing

suffering. 他經歷過苦難




- 1. measles 痲疹 2. rash 紅疹

makfig - to have measles· or rash J皂痲疹

kfog - to fall in to a deep hole * as a trap or well 掉入洞


kfoh I kfo 1. to immerse * submerge in w ater 掉入水中

ki池,am - to beg for a l iv ing * From 'a'am. 討飯

miki' a' amay



beggar 乞討者 , 乞丐

ki 『aot - to arrive first and receive ahead of the others 超越別人

ki ' caw Iki ' ciw Iti ' ciw. to start a song followed by a chorus

singing a refrain (sim ilar to a round) 起音 , 主音,主理領唱者

ki『ciw Iki『caw Iti ' ciw. to start a song followed by a chorus

singing a refrain (similar to a round) 起唱者 , 大會行帶唱的

ki『mel - courageous * strong with literal and spiritual

dimensions 有勇氣,力氣

Ki’mel ko faloco' nira. - He is strong in heart I courageous. 他有


Ki 『 mel cigra a matayal. - He works with endurance. 他工 作很實

ki ' tee IIi ' tee. cold * literally and fi guratively 對事物冷漠 kiawkiaw - pullet * young chicken 小母雞 , 獵人用之帽子 kieapos - to leave out * to be left behind 省略 , 忽略

kiekie - 1. to cut flesh off the bones 割傷 2. to expose the roots

of sweet potatoes for the purpose of fertilizing 暴晒著薯之菜根以

做為肥料 3. a woven reed helmet hat worn by hunte rs 強人戴盔

輯用 蘆葦草編織成的

kieoeom - to shelter or h ide near a stand ing wall or other tall

object 倚賴 , 隱蔽

kieofi I Kieofi. name of an Am is v illage 花蓮 月 眉村部落名 kicon I kegkeg. d itch * place where water or sewage runs 水溝 kida - custard -apple * fru it and tree 釋迦

kidat - 1. l iterally to pull ou t the roots by pull ing on the runners *

as a v ine that sends out runners 蔓藤巔 , 蔓延 , 延生 2. to in ­ elude the other along w ith 包含其他的東西 , 用在一起 3. f igur ­ at ively - to dig into an d. br ing out the s ign if icance 離題 4. to d igress in speak ing 離開主題 , 到校節






- closely arran ged with no spaces in between



A as

in plan tin g vegetables. 種菜的間隔很密 *

in makin g

甜on g cloth 編織的布很密而不容易破損

kidkid - to drag somethin g from on e place to an other 拖 kido - somethin g foun d an d cl aimed for on eself 鑄造 , 形像

vf)akido - to ex aggerate * misrepresen t誇張 , 詐稱

Tatiih k。 kid。 noya tamdaw. - That person ’s �haracter is n ot up

to stan dard. 那人形像與德性不好 kifsiw - kettle for boilin g water 開水壺 ki自ol -thick * as opposed to thin 厚

kigldg -1. dragon -eye fruit an d tree 龍眼葉, 樹 2. bells 鈴,

3. offerin g 牽獻 4. tin can 罐頭 (from Japan ese引自日


νpakigkig - 1. to

call 打電話

give an offerin g 奉獻 2. to make a phon e


J igkigan

ls 鈴 , 鐘

- to �in g a bell or bells

按鈴, 鳴

kigkiw一to study * research search out 研習 , 探究, 溯

源 (from Japan ese引自日語)

kigko -ban k 銀行(from Japan ese引自日語)

kihakih - to wiggle * move with purpose to loosen


as kihar

fruit from a tree

- relate to * relation ship 關聯 , 關係

Awaay k。 kihar ak。 一I have no in volvemen t with…


和我無闕 ,

Mikihar kako toya dmak. 一I related to (became in volved) in that

affair. 我牽涉到此事物

kihcod - completely taken 徹底 * as a thief takin g all the mon ey n ot leavin g an y behin d 如 小偷拿走所有的財物不留痕跡

kika - 1. iden tity card 身 份證 2. citizen ship 公民身分,權利,戶籍

kikaka - superior to 優於(See參閱kaka.)

kikay - 1. machin e機器 2. the mechan ics of somethin g 犧械

l iteral ly or figurativel y (from Japan ese引自日語) work with a machin e 操縱擻器

kilac / lilam. po口ion of the whole of somethin g分配,分擔




- to wan t a portion 要求一部分

. misakilac - to distribute a portion to each in cludin g himsel f分


pakilac - to portion out分發


- tree * wood 樹, 木頭

work with lumber 製 木材

mikilag to look for a tree or wood and carry it 找 木材, 砍伐 木

kilawa Ilofic. to glean fallen grain or other harvested food拾落

kilif - to be evasive * not to tell the truth by silence or evasiveness 守密不張揚,規避,推託,閃爍其詞

kilim - to look for * search for 尋找,尋覓


makilim ako - I found 我找 到了

J misakilikilim to look all over for 逼尋各處

I Kilimen. - Look for (it) . 去尋找

kilomot - as a group of five or more to rush upon someone with .15·

�h·e intent of hurting 包圍,圍攻,圍剿 kimad - story * narrative 故事,敘事


pakimad - 1. I paplo. to tell a story 說 書,講古 2. to

preach 說教,講道

JmakimadayI karakimaday a tamdaw

a person who is good with

words * a story teller 善於言詞,口齒伶俐者, 說書者

kimadac - to be smooth with reference to something solid 滑溜, 圓滑,平滑,流暢

kimced Ikomced I kohced. fully developed 發達 * of· grain


j’ρ斗 or fruit or the flesh of an animal 堅硬,結實

kimit to cut into pieces * as to use a string to divide rice bread

by hand 切成碎片, 用手捏揉

kimolmol Ikimolo Ikimo ' od / limo『od. to be round m

shape 圓形狀 * as an orange 似橘子

kimolo Ikimolmol. to be round in shape 間形 * as an

orange 似橘子

kimood - the whol e carcass of an an imal * n ot cut up整體,整

個的 未分割


�'HA.Cc��. -次

- roasted


f\�t c






nisakimo。dan a mimo’。g

kimor to be frustrated an d un der pressure 受挫,



thin k over what to do from every an gle 胡思

kimpi’- squared off on the sides * n ot thick in shape * thin 四

方形, 扁平


kimto I timool / kltmol. fully developed * of grain 成熟的,




bamboo tree


prefix 1. n umber of times 字首次數, 若干 2. do to on e­


kina tolo - three times 三次

self對 自己-


how man y times? 若干次


inapatay - to kill on eself 自殺

kinafalah to give on eself completely to a task 犧牲, 捨己(See

I knayra. crops * yield from farm work 收穫, 收成

kincac I imeg I kincal I tayrig. policeman 警察, 警員 (from

kincay -

芹菜 (from Amoy dialect 51自閩南語)

Amoy dialect 引自閩南語)



kinco I hinco. tight * as of clothin g 緊密的,緊的(用於衣服),


Kinco ko fawahan.

doorway is n arrow. 鬥口很窄


Kinco ko fal。co' ako. 一I am embarrassedI have no courage. 我



kini I hakini. to ask on eself * a question 間某人之語氣,如此,如



kinih to lay aside from the rest 偏見


J misakakinih to dmak to be un fair * show partiality 做事不公

正, 對 事有偏袒’偏頗

J makakinih ko pitli n ot the· same amoun t put or given 放置不平


X,dlakinihay tipped * n ot balan ced· 不平衡,傾斜

ko rakat -unbalan ced walk走路偏斜,走路重心不穗

kipag I kipig. short jacket in men ’s or women ’s tribal costume 古代





kipat I cipat.


to stick on something * glue * paste


mikipat - to stick on by itself黏起來

mapakipat - to be stuck on by someone 黏成一圈 pakipat - to apply glue to * stick closed 使之黏住 sakipat - glue * paste 膠黏’漿糊

kira - exclamation of agreement with another’s view 同意他人觀點

之語氣( I!呼聲)

kiradom - material *

cloth 布料

kirami I nikawrira. but


kiric - to drag along * sweep along

water 拉,扯,橫掃,沖走


as the activity of

Mikiric I mikric ko nanom to sra. 一The

借口h. 流水沖刷泥土

water swept away the

Makiric I makickic no nanom k。pala. - The field was swept by

the water. 田園被水沖刷

kirig I karahay. a back shield worn by women to work in the fields * made of grass tips 婦女做農事時置於背部之遮陽物

kirikiri『- to tickle a person 搔癢別人

kiro - cabbage or other vegetable that has been salted and stored in brine 酷包心菜或其他蔬菜

Sakiroen ko dateg a miparo i koreg. - Salt the vegetables and


them in a large earthen vessel. M蔬菜而後脖於陶器襄



- cherubim * a borrowed biblical term 嘩啦岫(摘自聖

kiskis - to scrape off surface * strip 刮去(表面)


kiso -you (singular)你 See Appendix 1 - Pronouns. 參閱附錄I


kita - we * us (including the hearer) See

Pronouns. 我們(包括聽者),參閱附錄I代名詞


kitad - makitad. no water 缺水 * as vegetables boiled dry 蔬菜

因水份蒸發而凋萎 * a dried up pond or field 田或水池乾酒

kitag -1. a large bottle for storing wine 大酒瓶 2. a three-wheeled cart 三輪車 (from Amoy dialect 引自閩南語)




kitakit .. coun甘y * nation including its land and people 國家,包 括它的土地和人民

kasakitakit :_all the nations 各個國家

kiteg - a spe�ies of rivet fish Etrurneus micropus. 一種河流中特別的 色

kitig - to lead with a rope 牽,引

malakitig - to be tied and led together 連起來,手牽手

kitkit - to pick at * pick off * peel off鑿,撞開,剝掉,自l

kitoh - to repeat something one has heard 複述

kiwakiw. - to stir up * mix up * as food or liquid 攪動,攪拌


kiwalet - double-stranded '* twisted kinky * coiled 絞,扭絞,撞


kiwat - to use an instrument to grab hold of or get something out

of reach 摟取,抓東

sokiwat - to use an instrument to get hold of something big 抓物

之用具,鉤子 as contrasted with kiwat where a small instru­ ment is used· 如比照其用法,kiwat是用來摟取小東西

kiwit I Kiwit. the naine of an Amis village 花蓮夸獎都落之名

kiwkiw - to get something out of a small openi!'lg * or something stuck in a‘container 在小口處挖取物,扎,戮穿

kiya l hakiya. a question particle 是嗎?是如此嗎?

kiyafes I kidafes. guava * the tree and fruit 石榴(樹)

kiyagkiyag - word used to describe confusion of noise that is

u n1ni:elligible 此字用 來描述混雜之吵鬧聲 (fr om Amoy dialect 引自閩南語)

kiyaig - a tree called Mangrove (Rhizophoracee) 系樹

kiyaki' - to rattle * as when an object is inside a container and shaken 嘎嘎聲

kiyalig I Kiyalig. the name of an Amis . village 花蓮麒麟之部落

(from Amoy dialect 引自閩南語)

kiyam l tadah. debt 債務(from Amoy dialect 引自閩南語)

kiyami - a particle drawing attention to the hearer reminding him of his common knowledge with the speaker 那樣不是嗎?...是 嗎?(尾昔)




klyko t Klyko.



kiyko I Kiyko. name of an Am is village 溪口村部落名

kiyo eggplan t * a vege table 茄菜

klac - to chip at

kiyot dig ou t * scra tch off some th ing small like a spo t of

di此 挖出 ,鑿出 , 刪除, 像捌除小斑點的東西

* cu t ou t * as wood or a ro tten spot m

fru it

-a flowering shrub called Bleeding Heart Glorybower (Cler ﹒


den-dron thomsonae) 龍吐珠

Jsaklap -

. a s coop for digging 鏟子 2. a spatula 調刀 , 小鏟-


to scoop out * dig out ri ce seedlings 鏟除,鏟出



misakleg一tt﹜ make a man -h e】l e to cause t <﹜﹝all in (岐一


tahakleg 一to fall in a man -he﹜le t車入洞�1

klet to use a si ckle to cut off twine ’剖 , 收刮大腕的過位


kli ' -

the sound of clinking or a cr eakin g sound 金屬物品怖活之

聲響 2. the sounds of a thief 小偏偏東西的聲響,

klig - 1. the sound of a b ell or phone or clo ck 鈴聲,電話笠,鏡

kliw -


thread 線(亞麻) the plant from whi ch string or thread

2. to fry or roast in a pan AA,炸 , 烘倍


is made * China Grass -Ramie (Boehmeria frutes cens) 青芋麻


a wild plant similar to kliw but not used for making

-cloth 野生植物,類似青平麻,但不用來做衣料


1. a resounding noise as to hear a door being clo sed 開 ,關

門之碰聲 2. a man -hole 出入孔

kltan - lower back below the waist and to the sides 腰部


kma一 1. slow 緩慢 * as 研ox pulling a cart 如牛拖車 2. to be numb with cold 因冷而麻木

kmi pain in the chest experienced while breathing 呼吸引致胸部之


kmo - 1. on target * squarely on the mark 目標,鵲的 2. to fall

from a high place 從高處掉落

Pakmo han nira ko falohag ak。. - He hit me squarely in the chfs �. 他直接地擊打我 的胸部




Makmo ko tamdaw. - A m an fell from above. 人由上而掉落

kmod - the ins ide of anyth ing 內部

/pakakmoday - myster ious * not e as ily understood 最深

思議的 , 神秘的

pakakmoday ko sowal - words have a h idden me an ing

玄機 , 話中有話 , 話中 有很的含意

knanini Ikanini. come here 挨近點 , 靠近些

knaw - gener ic for all k inds of on ions and leeks 蒜頭 , 大蒜 , 洋

蔥 , 主菜

knayra Ikinayra . crops * y ield from f arm work 收穫 , 收成

kni 『 - 1. eye gouged out 眨眼 2. I fotek. eyes closed 閉目

\ ko - See Append ix 1 - Connect ive Gramm at ic al Markers. 參閱附錄

I , 連接詞

ko 1 g�I - tender w ith l iter al and figur at ive me an ings 柔軟 , 嫩的 , 脆


ko ' gelay ko fages - sk in is youthful 皮膚白宮細嫩

ko ' gel ko faloco' - e as ily influenced 心軟 , 心智不成熟

ko 『 gel ko titi - meat is tender 肉很嫩 , 很軟

ko ' ko / lpel. ch ase aw ay 驅趕

ko ' mi Ika ' mi. flex ible * move able 柔順的 , 即︱︱頁的 , 柔韌的

ko 『 mi ko faloco『 - respons ive * agree able * tenderhe arted 易感


ko ' mih - soft 柔軟的 * as a ch air cush ion or bed 如椅塾 , 床墊

ko ' mih ko faloco 『 - agree able 可親的 , 偷t快的心情

ko『san - sweet 甜

Ko' san ko 『 odal. - Honey is sweet. 蜂蜜很甜

Ko' san ko sowal nira, - He is us ing fl irt ing speech I persu as ive

speech (as of a s alesm an). 他的話甘如蜜 , 他的話具煽動 力 , 說 服 力 ( 如同 一個推銷員 )

ko ' sit - d ifficult to m anipul ate 堅韌 , 堅硬

ko' sit ko faloco’- stubbo rn * res istant 他的心頑

ko ' sit a tdalen (it) is hard to unti e I g et loose 難以解開

ko 1 teg - someth ing that stretches easil y without br eaking 黏黏

* as r ice bread 如懦米 輯、

kodait - endurance * enduring * hardy 堅韌’耐力夠






kodfet -

peanuts · 落花生 , 土豆

to grow th ick 密集 , 濃密

kodic -

Kodfet ko capox. 一The rice plan tings are grow ing th ick. 袂苗長


1. mange * sk in d isease 皮膚病 , 癖 2. name of an Am is

v illag-e 豐拱鄉戶敷部落名

kodpi 1 Ikidpi '

through the stomach from front to back *


emac iated * lean * sk inny 瘦削 , 憔悴 , 皮包骨的


slender 苗條的 , 弱不經風的


kofaw / dmi'﹒ k itchen 廚房


kofel wrinkled skin of an older person 皺紋


thermos bottle 熱水瓶 (from J apanese


someth ing




kofit - 1. button 鈕釗 2. p akakofit to sow al - to agree together

misakofit -to button clothes 釘鈕如

明kofit buttons 鈕釘


kofo -hectare

2.471 acres or 10000 square meters * a measure

of land 公頃(面積單位)

kofoc - a bottle 瓶子

kogkog -



to knock at the door to knock on a drum 敲門

koga Ifoga. sweet potato 蕃薯 , 地瓜 , 甘薯


be hollow ins ide (makogkog) 中空

pikogkogan - a drum m ade from a tree trunk * used to arouse


the v illage to act ion 鼓是用 樹幹 做的 , 用 來喚醒村民的行動

kohakoh - to be loose 搖晃 , 鬆她

misak。haw -to make sou p 煮湯


kohaw Ikafi. soup * broth 湯 , 羹



kohcal - wh ite 白 , 白色 2. l ight

* as the color of Cauc as ian


sk in


kohced一to be f irm * hard in flesh w ith no fat 肌肉結實

kohkohan w ilde rness 荒地 , 曠野

kohnac Irohnac Imadihmih. cond it ion of skin * to not have



body hair 光滑

Sak。hnac sa kono mak。 a fages. - My skin is now smooth and

bald. 我的皮膚細膩圓滑

kohpic - thin * as opposed to thick 細薄

kohtig - black 黑(色)

koicaw I’ifcag. stiff * not move easily 僵硬, 不易彎曲的

kokag - a musical instrument 音樂儀器,木琴

koki 1 - fear * to be afraid 懼怕

kokih - a tree called Fi scus

'-O'llo' gibbosa 自肉榕

kokoa - peek-a-boo 小 孩嘻戲時之用




kokofag - blackboard 黑板






kokog - bandits * robbers 海盜,土匪

kokoy / komi》rot. edible vegetable called· Chayote-Christophine 佛


koladot IKoladot. name of an Amis village 長洪鄉樟原村部落名

kolag - a type of Chinese cabbage 青菜,芥菜

kolah - 1. I korah: tan color 褐色 2. a type of liquor made from

rice 懦米酒 :�. woven cloth of long ago 古代阿美族麻製衣物

kolamet - to grab on to the flesh with hand 用五指抓取

kolas - 1. to prune the rice plants throwing away unfruitful

stems 除草或減除密集的五穀 2. the name of a person 人名

kol ced - hard * of muscles that have been hardened by

ex ercise 結實

kolfo 1 Ikofel. to wrinkle * leave in folds 皺紋

kasakolfolfo ' - all the folds of (something) 摺疊之物之 皺摺

koli - laborer * slave 倆人,奴僕

koliciw - bicycle 腳踏車

kolit - 1. thin * under-weight· ’,瘦 2. dirt on one's face 臉上





koliya' - a type of orchid call叫Yellow Dendrobium or Taiwan Rt咒I :i

Dendrobium. Grows on trees * used in native religion for making rain . 古代阿襲人在祭神祈雨時,手lJ深山取 koliya做為陪祭 用。

koliyol / konirol. 1. to go aroun d the lon g way to get somt>place

* devious route 迴繞,迂迴而行, 循璟 2. to steal away without

being seen 悄悄地溜閉, 躲開

mikoliyol to sasowalen - to not speak to the point 說話拐彎抹角

kolmi - to be irregularly bulged in shape 樹皮等不規則的皺投

as a ball without enough air in it d日球內無足夠氣之萎縮妝

kolog - water buffalo 水牛

pakologan - place for water buffalo to sleep 牛棚




to bend * dent 使之筒

komaig - 1. soft * pliable 柔軟,柔



易彎的i 2. to have no

Adada kako saka, komaig ko tireg ako. - I am sick so my body

pakologan 'l



has no strength. 我因病,故此身體織弱無力

komes - pubic hair found in the groin area 陰毛

komi『Ot - name of vegetable that looks like squash and climbs *

Chayote * Christophine 佛手瓜(香木緣瓜)

komikili / ligses. 1. to be horrible to look at * horrifying from the observer’s point of view 嗯,心,令人毛骨棟然 2. the nervous motion of a child as when he is urinating 當小孩撒尿結束俊會有


komimit一to pinch and twis� flesh 捏 .


komiyot Ikomi ’ot. an edible vegetation called Chayote *


kom。一rubber 橡皮膠 ( from Japanese 51 自 日語 )

komo' ko - the sound of bubbling water that is boiling 滾開之水所 起之氣泡所發之聲音

komod - 1. to manage or rule over all 統御或統領全地 * as the responsibility of an emperor 如同皇帝之全責 2. to make plans


for a religious event like the harvest festival 為宗教事件如廣豐收


mayor *








( 恩恩節) 所統籌之計劃


﹒( from Japanese引自日語)

kona Ikonini. this 這個 See Appendix I-Pronouns. 參閱附錄


* l>ald拔毛

konac - the condition of skin after all fur or feathers are removed

makonac ko fanoh - fur is gone from skin 毛已被放了

mik。nae to 『 ayam - to pluck the chicken feathers拔雞毛

konai ' i - soft * damp and pliable 軟的,如柔嫩的蔬菜 * as the

t "� consistency of a vegetable

konayat - to stretch out 伸展,延伸 * as rubber or an

d accordion 像橡皮或手風琴


konini Ikona . this 這個 See Appendix 1 - Pronouns參閱附錄I

konis - 1. line 線 2. mark 記號

; 11)iSakonis - to make a line or mark 劃線做記號

..akonis - to be marked 被做記號

� pakonis - to put a mark on 做記號

koniyol / koniyor Ikoliyol . to go around 繞行,迂迴 the long

way to get someplace * take a devious route with literal and

figurative meanings 婉蜓 迂迴的 * to be stealthy 偷偷的,拉松 的

mikoniyol to sasowalen - not speak to the point 說話拐彎抹角


konkon - 1. to fall 掉落 2. to land in a ditch 陷入水溝 3. be in an accident 車禍跌倒



konoc Ikonac. 1. to pull out hair or feathers拔毛2.’to molt

konoy - a wooden barrel made of slats with iron bands 用木頭做的



kool - to ·swell * to turn black and blue as when bitten by an

insect 當 kopag. - 1


cloth ·used for . tents or shelters 帆布 2. heavy material


used to cover grain 子用 3. dry tobacco leaves to be





kopid -


large woven bask�t with lid made of reeds 用籐製作之籃


* used to store cooked 'rice to take to the fields 到田間接米

飯用籐製飯盒 2. / karihic / kapitanI

kanas - container for fish 竹饗 ( 置 魚 ) 3. lid covering of reeds for food

container (rafay/ lafay) taken to

fields 以籐或竹製帶到田 間蓋東西用

kopit - 1. I fotek. eyes closed 閉眼 2.


thread unraveling from a seam 運製破 裂衣物

kora Ikorira. that 那個 See Appendix I-Pronouns 參閱附錄I



korac -

ritually clean 聖潔 2. pure


korah Ikolah. 1. tan

mahad. woven cloth


color 褐色


used in early

made into a simple

長上衣,男用 長外衣

man s garment 節單


korahot - to use nails or claws to scratch on wood or in the soil 抓取 , 摟取

koraro一to have a hangover from drinking alcohol 次日 還有酒意

korawit - to grasp or pull in with a hook 用有長柄之鉤子取物

koreg一large earthen vessel for salted

meat or water or wine 用來臨肉之大 陶器器血或放水或酒,陶器水壺

korih - 1. to cover over as a grave 掩

埋 2. to use hands to search in grass

rake 收集

or fur 撿,拾 3. to scratch in the dirt as chickens do 刮’削 4. to



korira Ikora. that 那個 See Appen­ dix I-Pronouns. 參閱附錄 I代名詞


korkor Ikarkar. to dig in the soil 挖 , 挖掘



koror - the back * part of the body 背部

ak。ror一伽braiding together of reeds for伽edging of a basket 篩子邊緣的修緣法

·kosiya - 1. a tree ( from Amoy dialect 引自閩南語) Konish

Tanoak 油葉柯(Pasania konishii) 2. aluminum 鋁罐

koskos - to scratch one’s body 抓癢,搔

kosoy - citronella 香茅草 * grown in the Amis tribal area 香茅


Jn isakosoy - to plant citronella 種香茅草

kotag I'idoc. spear for spearing fish 槍,矛’魚槍

kotay - to take the place of another 替身,替換,遞補,瑕

( from Japanese� I自日語)

- to change * replace with another 變換,變吏,用另 一件替換

kotem I to be dark and glowering with black clouds 天色漸唔,烏


koti『- an ex pression addressed to someone meaning “It serves you right.” 活該

kotkot一to use metal to scrape 使用金屬物去刮取

koto - 1. louse * lice 蟲子 2. a plant (Euphqrbiaceae

humifusa) 地錦 ( 鵲蠻鼻大戰)

kotod - to follow along after as when curious 跟蹤

kotog - Wood OilTree (Aleurites) 梧桐樹,千年倒

kowa ' - 1. papaya * fruit and tree 木瓜 2. kowa' no lotol

一Taiwan Diplofatsia * a plant 八角金艦,台灣山中製紙三 瓜、

sasoken a kowa' I pace。sen a kowa’I cco. Pith Paper Plant 7


kowad -

.I howad-to lift something up

Cikowa『ay - name of an Amis village 池上鄉雷光部落之名

1 · * as for ex ample to

2. I paororI paco

heavy rock 頂學聲石或重物如舉起岩石的學動


acor. to pressure someon e to do somethin g 法的事



kowag - a gun 槍 * to shoot a gun 開檔

kowako '

to have liquid come out of a· container from bein g





shak en * from motion 搖動 , 擺動 裝在容器內之液體

kowan - to rul e 管理,駕叡

、takowan - authority 權威,威信,權力

Jlikowanan - that wh ich is rul ed 聯權,統領範團

kowat一to m easur e by long str ides 以大步測量,測量長距離

ccay a kowat - a l ength of four stri des 4大步的長度

tosa a kasakowat - a half acre 半英敵 ( 2 02 3.4 平方公尺 )

kowaw I kakahog. 1. a sp eci es of fish call ed Flying Fish (Cyps e­

lurus p oecil opt erus) 飛魚 * a fish us ed by Yami in tribal w orship 雅美族祭禮之 魚 2. eagl e

kowawi - lych ee * a f ruit 協枝水果 Pom etia pinnata Fo rst.

Cha r. Gen. 台東龍眼

kowit一to lift up an d ca rry a fill ed sack 抬 , 枉 , 起

koya - th e * that 那 個 S ee App en dix I-C onn ectiv e G rammati cal

Particles 參閱附錄i連接詞

koyasi - f ertiliz er 施肥 , 肥料 ( from Japan ese引 自 日語 )

koyo - a small animal * a mammal 一個小動物哺乳動 物


’agsitay a koyo - a skunk 臭颱

koyod to ca rry on one’s back j背負於背上

kakoyodan I takoyoda n. a bask et ma de of r eeds as a

backpack 背賽 (袋 )

kpa - th e soun d of f oot st eps 腳步聲

Sakpakpa sa cigra to romi ' ad a matiya ito' manay. - He walks in

daytim e lik e he was f eeling his way in th e dark with his f eet. 他白天走路如在夜 間不良於行

kpid Ikanas. a c ontain er 容器 , 竹製容器

kpit I kopit I fotek. to cl ose ey es 閉目

kra Itama . f oun d * to fin d 發現 , 拾獲 , 找到

krah - I. to dry up 乾旱 , 乾潤 2. oc ean ti de out 水退潮

kreg - I. thun der 雷電 2. a plant * Small - l eav ed Disty

lium 小葉紋母樹

Makakreg ko romi' ad. - It is thun dering . 天雷雨交加

krem - to sink * ref erring to th e sun 下沈 ( 指夕陽西沈 )

Mikrem ko cidal. - Th e sun is s etting. 太陽沈沒

Makahkrekrem ko romi 『 ad. - The day is g rowing dark. 天將暗下




來 , 夜暮低垂( 西陽下 )

kric Ikiric. th e m ov em ent of swift wat er to m ove things 沖刷 , 水

krid -

n eric w ord f or l ead

gui de 引 導,亨︱領

沖走東西 的流勢


ge *

i叫你ikridan -th e l ea ders 元老 , 長老 , 領導重


a l ea der 領導者



- He l ed m e. 他引 領我

He is l ea ding. 他是領導者 , 他是領袖

Makrid nira kako.

0 mikriday cigra.

Kriden kako. Lea d m e. 請引領我

krih Itatood. to- be all g one * n one l eft b ehin d 全部片申不留 *

kris - 1. to scrap e

of p eople or things 人或東西 2. to all be pr es ent * no on e


missing 全部出席 3. th e s oun d bf scraping 刮’擦聲

* scratch 刮’削 2. I tkig. match es 火柴

krisnias -

Makakris ko citosiya. Th e cars scrap ed each oth er. 車子互相擦

misakristo -


kristo -

Christmas 聖誕節 ( fr om Japan es e亨︱ 自 日語 )





pr actic e th e Christian faith 信奉基督教

th e Christian church or r eligi on


Christianity *


( fr om Japanes e亨︱自 日語 )

krit 1. to cut off a small p orti on of th e en d of s om ething 切 , 害。

成小片 2. -biblical me aning to circumci se 聖經意指行割禮

krit a


th e ritu al of circumcisi on 行害Jj禮之儀式

to h ave s om eon e cut 切割分享給別 人

kro - 1. to danc e

danc e 跳舞

to jump with gla dn ess 歡

J kinak卅 一 the pi ec es that hav e b een cut off 碎 丹 , 片塊

* 2.


躍 3. to danc e in th e h eart with excitm ent .inst ead of lit erally 內 心雀躍不已

MisakroI makro kita Lets dance. 議我們跳舞

kro 1 -a s oun d ma de in th e thr oat when swall owing

聲音 , 吞食所發出的聲音

krog Iklog. to make · a banging or .rumbling s oun d



kros - f or the thr oat .t o be irritate d when swall owing

吞食時 , 引發

ksem -

gr et



* s orr ow ov er s om ething that has happ en ed悔恨 ,




kr丸”I :

憂傷 , 喪氣 , 洩氣 , 羞愧

ktem - 1. to be stubborn or angry or in a hurry as expresse d in the

set of the teeth an d mouth 咬牙切齒狀 2. to bite an object w ith teeth咬 , 啃

kter Ifirag Ipo Ii Iiget. anger 生氣 , 憤怒

Kakteren nira kako. - He rebuke d me.他譴責非難我 , 他責備我

Makter cigra. - He is angry. 他在生氣

ktig一to st ick to * snag 貼住,黏住

Miktig ko talod i riko' ako. - Grass stuck to my cl oth es. 草黏貼


Maktig ko riko' ako i pacek no .' anegag. - My cl oth es got

caught on a na il in th e cha ir. 我衣服被椅子 的釘子鉤住

Paktigen ko kolog. - Stak e th e wat er buffal o拉住水牛,繫好黃牛

ktil - to p inch w ith ﹛ing erna ils 捏( 用指甲)

kton - to cut s om eth ing l ong w ith l it eral and f igurat ive mean ings 切斷,決定,割斷(含有字面上或隱喻上的意義)

mikton to sowal - to mak e a pr om ise 發誓,立下誓言,下斷譜,


」maktonto ko sowal - th e pr om ise * dec is ion is ma de 立好承諾,


makakton to sowal - an agr eem ent b etw een tw o pa 叫es 互相約定 承諾

ktos - to p ick gra in 摘取穀物

kwamig Ikomaig . 1. fl ex ibl e * pl iabl e 柔軟,柔韌 2. no str ength 柔弱無力

kwapig IKwapig IHolam. Ch in ese * Ch ina 外省人,軍人,官

兵( from Amoy dialect 引自 閩南語 )

kyokay - church 教會 ( from Japanese 亨︱自 日語 )

la ' caan / lacaan. chronic illness * incapacitating the patient caus­ ing emaciation 不健康,身體一直不適

mala' caananay ko adada - illness is chronic 久病不癒’慣性疾


la’ed - space in between 距離 , 間隔

Hakowa ko nika lala' ed no loma' ita? - How far is it between

our homes ? 我們家距 離有多遠?






妞,ii -'-a vin e 藤

la 1 is - to thr ow a distanc e 投 , 擲 , 拋 t � be thr own a



ν/Iala 1 is - 1. to sh oot back an d f orth fr om a distanc e as in w ar 在 戰場陣線鬥爭 2. to be en emi es w ith on e an oth er 敵人 , 仇人

la 1 no - b el ow * at a l ow er el evati on than th e p oint of

r ef er enc e 下面 , 底下

i \}lala' no - plac e b el ow 在下面 , 在下方

ila' noayI ikala' noay - obj ect b el ow 在下面的

la 1om - to wast e * be wast eful 浪費 , 荒廢

Mala。m ko pays。 ako. - My m on ey was wast ed. 我的錢被浪費

( 濫用 )

Aka pila' om to nanom. - Don’t wast e wat er. 不要浪費水

- to dr ench 濕透 , 浸透

otegto k。 tireg nira. - He is dr ench ed. 他全身濕透

la ' pa - trump et * h orn 喇叭 , 號角 ( fr om Japan ese 51 自 日語 )

?妞,to - to have no br eath * to be dea d 斷氣 , 死亡

lacaan I妞,caan. a chr onic illn ess. 久病不癒的病 , 瘋疾

Malacaan cigra. - He has a chr onic illn ess. 他患慢性疾病

11\' lacal - 1. to cr oss ov er a b ody of wat er or a str eam 越過 , 跨過

( 水流或小慎 ) 2. to m oon -lit e * hav e a si de j ob 兼職 , 兼差

f. laccay - unit ed * of on e acc ord 一致 , 合作 , 統一

laci 1 - 1. malaci '-wh en items fall thr ough th e cracks in a sl eeping

platf orm an d b ec ome inacc essibl e 間隔 , 裂縫 , 從裂縫中間洩 落 2. tru e ( North ern dial ect 北方方言 ) 真實 , 誠實

--faeik. Ilosok. can dle 蠟燭 ( fr om Am oy dial ect 引自 閩南語 )

lacinowas Iliclnowas. to s eparate * to go s eparat e ways 分

闕 ,

分離 ,

分歧 ,


Malacinowast。ko paro n。 loma' niyam. 一Our family is divi ded

* g one in - diff er ent dir ecti ons. 我們的家庭分離了

laciw - ra dio 收音機 ( fr om Japan ese 51 自 日語 )

laco I timra. ·a bull et * bull ets 子彈

Irada' s om eth ing to be shar ed or ·tak en . 分配

- to ask for som ething 向某人要求或討東西


- palada 1 - to shar e s om ething y ou hav e 施捨分享給別人



w (�Je ((. ·, .、

ladiw Iradiw. song * singing * music 歌 , 唱歌 , 音樂

Lomadiw kita. 一 Lets sing. 我們來唱歌

Ladiw sa cagra tahadadaya.They kept singing till evening.


ladom Iradom. to carry water from a well or other water supply

to the home 提水 , 挑水 , 滾水

lafac Irafac. (an an imal) being loose an d free to roam ( 動物)飛


'Palaface『1. - Let the animal go free. 放走 , 釋放 , 把動物放生

lafades Ipades . trouble * to be teste d * to have trials last ing

for a long t ime 困難 , 苦難 , 痛苦 , 試練 , 受折磨

lafag - 1. gue sts 3年人 2. pa trans 顧客 3. strangers *

outs iders 異鄉 人 , 陌生人 4. v is itors 訪客

Palafag kita. - Let ’s go on a trip. 我們去做客 ( 綠行)

sapalafag a tahka' - prov is ion of a meal for guest s 為宴客預備的


J kalilafagan - l iving room * guest room 客廳,客房

lafay Irafay. an earthen vessel for stor ing vegetables 陶器菜

* carrie d on one 's hea d to the fiel ds 到回裡頂在頭上的容器

lafel - to let run loose * roam 落掉 , 溜掉 , 流走

Malafelay ko siri niyam. - Our sheep are loose I not penne d

up. 我們的羊跑掉 了

lafi - dinner * the even ing meal 晚餐

- prepare dinner

煮晚餐 , 預備晚餐

isakalafian ko cidal - late afternoon 傍晚

Malafi kita. - Let ’s eat dinner. 我們一起吃晚餐

'1 palafi to wawa - give the chil d supper 給孩子吃晚餐

kalafian - dinner time 晚餐時間

lafii - the mi ddle of the night * mi dnight 午夜 , 夜 , 于夜 , 半夜 misalafii a matayal - to work through the night 趕夜工 ( 熬夜) Salafii sa cigra a minokay. - He traveled home in the m iddle of

the night. 他徹夜回家

0 lafii ko sakatahira nira i loma._He. arrive d home at mi dnight.


lafin一to stay for a short perio d overnight or several night s 過夜




( 外宿 )

Milafin cigra i omah. -

s tay ed ov ernigh t in th e fi el d


t.f>apilafinen kak。. 一Let me s tay (h er e). 請讓我過一夜




lafir Irafir Isikal . l ea th er 皮革 , 皮製品

lafiwfiway Ifaliwfiw Ifarsi '. a r eed-plan t that grows in riv er

I b eds 蘆葦 , 木9麻 1. Woo dy Rami e ( Bo ehm eria densiflora) 2 ./

、他� eucosyk e qua drin ervia 四脈宇航

lafo '-troubl e * cal ami ty * s tigma as a r esul t of br eaking

taboo 憂慮 , 不 幸,恥辱 , 瑕疵,冒犯禁忌而遭禍


0 palafoay ci satan. 一Sa tan brings troubl e an d calami ty on

p eopl e. 撒且是邪惡的,撒且帶來 惡運給人類

Ma'odag cigra saka ira ko lat。no loma'. He commi tted a du J.



tery , so th e hom e has a s tigma (or troubl e). 他犯姦淫 , 因此導 致家中 的恥辱憂慮


lafog to cov er som ethin g wi th dir t or rubbish or grass so as to

hi de * as wh en burying 覆蓋,掩埋,如埋葬


milafog to panay to cov er ric e wi th dirt * plan t 把稻穀蓋起來


lafot to br eak in two * as string 拉斷線或帶子


malafot ko sla' br ea th is brok en =( h e) di ed 斷了氣 , (他 )死

lagal 1.

to hav e mou th bli ster from lim e pa ste 嘴鼓石灰膏燒傷 2.


to bi te o 肘,s tongu e 咬傷舌頭 3. to sw eat from ch ewi ng b etel

nu t 咀嚼檳榔會 出汗

lagas to prun e tr ees 修剪崗枝

lagat Ilgat. to chall eng e * ini tia te an in terchang e of wor ds or

conflic t 挑戰 , 鬥嘴或衝突引發的挑戰

lagod Itaplik. 1. a larg e wav e ab out to br eak 一個大的滾滾正拍岸

而碎 2. rippl es of wa ter in a s tr eam 水流的波紋

lagto Ilanto. to be burn t up * consum ed 燼餘燼灰 , 沒有燒完的柴

tanolahasa ·-to scr eam 尖叫

Iah,a’一loud rasping dissonant soun d of th e voic e 大聲瞋阱 , 吼吽

。lahad -growth 長大 * r ef erring to t he physical growth of living

、六 things 生長






palahaden - to feed I provide for growth 培育 , 培養

Lom-ahadto koya wawa. - That child has grown. 那孩子長大


malahat. 1. to be loosely woven 空隙大 ( 如網或籃子緝織得

不密 ) 2. to have spaces between for things to slip through 者間之空隙

lahci - 1. to complete * finish 完成 , 完全 2. to come to pass 成


Malahcito ko sowal nira. - His words are fulfilled I have come true. 他說的話應驗 了

Lahcien ko tayal iso. - Finish your work. 完成你的工作

alahcian - time when finished 完成的時間

lahdaw - to disappear * pass away * cease to exist 消失 , 不翼 而飛,逝

mapalahdawto - cause to disappear (as by burning) 使之 消失

心中.... ..挪去 把它忘 了吧 !

Palahdawento ko ifaloco ’ ay iso. -.Put it out of your heart. 把你

Malahdawto ko roray no faloco 『 ako. - The burden of my heart is gone. 心中的重擔消除了

lahod - steam * vapor 蒸氣

Iahok -the noon meal

lunch 午餐

cilahoday - something that has steam * vapor 有蒸汽的

Malahok cagra. -



are eating lunch. 他們正在吃午餐

misakalahok - to fix lunch 煮中餐 , 預備中餐

心akalahok - provision for lunch 供作午餐之物

,J kalahokan - lunch time 午餐時間

i' ayaw no lahok - 上午 , 早上

hrek no lahok - afternoon 下午


lahoper Ifonar. to disintegrate and become like powder 崩潰 , 分

解 ,﹒ 分散有如翰末

lakad Ipinahtec. the pulp left after extracting juice or oil 渣 , 殘渣 , 殘留物 * as sugar cane or peanuts 甘iw.渣

lakaw - rubbish * trash * debris 垃圾 , 廢物 , 碎屑 , 瓦碟堆

lakec - to wade across water 涉水 , 渡河 , 過河

palakec - to help someone wade through water 幫助別人涉水而




叫ec - crossing place * ford 涉水地點 , 渡河處 , 需涉渡之水 lakiw - red dried garlic roots 紅蔥 , 顯 ( from Japanese 自 日 語 laklak - to scatter * referring to things but not living creatures

ko tilid. - The papers are scattered. 書本散亂 Malaklak ko harateg. - Thoughts are scattered. 思緒分雜不集中 milaklak 一 to scatter in a small area 使之分散

palaklak to s。wal - to spread news all over the country side

播謠言 , 傳遞消息

laklal - a river bed 河床

laklaw - lantern 燈籠 , 手電筒 ,,油燈

milaklaw - to use a lantern to fish or hunt for edibles at night 於

夜間使用燈籠捕魚及捕挺 食之物

alaklaw - to lighten the way for others 為別人照明其路 , 為別人


lakota - 1. camel 駱駝 ( from Japanese 引自 日語 ) 2. a small motorized vehicle 耕耘機

lakowit - to transverse * go over the top 橫越山嶺 的 to cross

over a mountain 翻山越嶺

他!正函iIP nira ko lotok. - He has 叫erienced I is able to cr0ss

the mountain. 他越過 了一座山

Jsalakowit - path to transverse 橫斷之小道 , 需橫越之 山

lala 『 - to menstruate * have monthly period 月經 , 週期 , 月 事 , 月

I matolad cigra. 一 She is menstruating. 她正值月 經期

la妞 ,em - 1. the roof of the mouth 口 腔之上頭 2. space * crack

( Hualien dialect 花蓮語 ) 空間 , 空隙 , 破裂

Iala『 em a giha 1 - fricative sound 摩擦聲

lalad - to spread * creep 蔓延 , 爬 行 as vines that spread

out 如葡萄樹 , 常春藤蔓延

Milalad ko tamorak. - The squash plant is growing and running

shoots out. 金瓜藤蔓延生長

0 misalaladay ko adada ak。. - My pain shoots out from .. its

origin. 我 的病痛突然放出使延 長持續病 的起源

lalag - to forbid * re{use permission 拒絕 , 反 對 , 不允許 , 禁!l:





lalagaw I tagalaw; house fly 蒼蠅

lalago moss 苔 , 青苔 ( the kind that grows where there is no

one to walk on the path 是一種生長在沒有人走過的地方生畏的植 物 )

lalal Irarar. a kind of hoe that is small and lightweight * formerly

1. pa t

h 小徑 * r.oad 路

* street

街道 *

highway 公路

2. direction figuratively

辦法 , 方

3. means to


made of stone now no longer in existence 小鐵頭 , 早期是用 石井 做的 , 現已不存在 了


do something 辦法 , 手段


v'palalan to faloco 『 - to give direction to thinking 尋一條可行之

路 , 打開思路

Cilalan ko faloco 『 ako.

I know what direction to take. I how to

do (it). 我自 有辦法 , 我有脈絡 可尋

0 maan ko malo lalan ita a milahci tonini? 一 How I what method

do we use to accomplish this? 我們用什麼方法完成此事


lalat Iditek. to measure with a measuring tape or with out­

stretched arms 用尺測量 , 或屬臂丈量


lalen the same 一樣 as in quality or ability or size 如質或能 力


Palalenen ko dmak.



everyone or everything the same

(impartial treatme叫.平等相得 , 一視同仁

坦坦少 r

ko dmak ni a There is no discrepancy in his

actions. 他的做法有矛盾


lales Itales. to be dull * not sharp 鈍刀 , 不利


Malales ko po' ot ako. My knife is dull. 我的刀 不銳利

lalet same height 平均 as the height of poles of a fence 高度

致 , 平等


laletlet / lalen / lalet. the same 相 同 , 不分下 * with refer­ ence to speed in running 在跑的速度


lali ' clay used in making pottery * hard * not fertile 指隨污濁

的水流下沉澱後成泥的土質 ( 污泥 )

pilali ’ 。pan -place to wash o肘,s face 盟洗台

4﹔ lali ' op

to wash o肘,s face 洗臉

lalidec Ikakidec. a species of trees * 1. Subcostate Crape




Myrtle 九穹 ( 拘那花 ) 2. Queen Crape Myrtle 大花柴 with pink blossoms

呻吟 病時 , 呻吟之痛苦

rA I lalig - to moan * from pain or discomfort

之聲 )

Tanolalig sato kako. 一I groaned with pain. 我疼痛地呻吟著

lalinik - underneath * inside under 在里面 , 深 處

lalipig - the smallest of coins 一分鐘

lalisan - 1. fever 發燒 2. the flu with aches and pains * fever *

chills 發燒 , 感 冒 , 頭痛 , 身體憊不適

laliw - 1. to leave behind 離門 , 溜走 2. to desert * escape 潛

pilaliwan - way of escape 逃走之路

lalko Itaco. form * shape 樣式 , 模式



model * standard 模式 , 規 格

lalok -earnest

lalo - to soak in water 潰水 ( 泡水 )

的 rice grain to soften for cooking 煮懦米前先放入水中泡一段時間

* zealous * diligent 認真 , 熱心 , 勤勞 , 政故

laloma ' - 1. inside * generic term for 內部 , 真面 2. in (a room

or the home) 在 ( 房間或在家裡 )


"1 ilaloma' ay a maamaan - the things inside 在裡面的東西


oma『 an family (within a clan) 家族 , 親戚 , 氏族

-We are inside God’s

an all the families of a clan 各家族 , 各民族

asalaloma ' no pikowan no Kawas kita.

rule I under His jurisdiction. 我們在父 神的管轄之下

lama ' -

acceptable looking * dirty from the viewer's

lalopla ' Itahoper. an edible lichen 可 食之苔煩地衣等


lamal Inamal. -

perspective 看起來令 人無 法倍受 , 從觀看的 人看起來骯髒 * as a child using his fingers to pick up food and eat 如小孩用髒手抓取 食物吃 , 污染了整個 食物

fire 火 generic term for 火的總稱

lamec - to mix with hands 抓 , 拿


lamit - root根 , 根底 with literal and figurative meanings


Cilamit ko sowal no Kawas i faloco 跡。. - God’s words have

become established in · my heart. 神的話 根植在我心中




/tl.' no

Jpalamitan - place to take root .. 根基 , 基礎 , 根基地 , 發根之部位

lamlam I camol . to be mixed * referring to things or

creatures 混合 , 混雜

ko howak ato ' ayam a mapalit. - Ducks and chickens

cooped up together. 雞鴨雜畫關入籠內

、palamlam - to make into a mixture * mixing items together as

different kinds of books 混合在一起 , 把不同 的食料混合

lamlo Ihafay. millet 小米栗 * staple food for the Amis in for­

mer years 阿美族 昔日 主要 的食物 Many legends are related to millet. 有很多與小米有關 的傳說

lamo - copulation of animals * breeding 交配 ( 指動物雄性爬上雌

j 性背上交配方式 )

palamo - to breed 使交配

involved in breeding 互相 交配

lamok - malamok. burning hot feet 赤腳走在 炎熱 的路上胸被燙燒

Malamok a ripa i en ko tafok. - r eet burn too much to walk on

the sand. 在抄灘上走路開 疼難耐 ’/

lanag - annoyed * vexed 煩擾 , 騷擾 , 厭煩 1( 苟,

、j kalanagan - thing or person with whom one 煩透 , 事

情或人使 人感到困擾

toya wawa. - Tha� child annoys me. 我對那孩子真

lanhi - Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) 自鰱 a fish


lanto - 1. to destroy by fire 灰燼 ( 火 種 ) 2. stumps of half­

burned firewood * charcoal smouldering 未燒燼 的柴火還在冒 火的


題坐且oto ko loma 1 niyam. - Our house has been d叫rayed by

fire. 我們家 已燒成灰燼了


Lantoen koya namal. - Bury coals for lighting (later). 木炭熄滅 laoc - 1 a formal meeting where a council is going on 開會 2. the section of bamboo between the end of the joints and the

leaves 竹子或 蘆葦最末 的節和葉子之 的部 3. to stand on guard 防守 , 防衛

lorna。cay - councilmen 市議會議員 , 鎮民代表



./milaocay -a person who stands on guard 守衛者

lata ag

Jpilaocan -'-

council room 會議室 2. place where a guard

Malaoc ko loma' . - The house is guarded. 房子被包圍



stands 衛兵哨 , 崗哨


laop to chase, enclosing the party so he has no means of


escape 包圍使其無法逃脫


a long section of split bamboo 成細長的竹片


lapdit stuck together with no separation between 黏成一圈 , 模糊



malapdit ko tilid

writing 字體不清


malapdit ko tokes hair is stuck together (as when using a lot of

hair oil) 頭髮黏成一團 ( 如當用 很多髮油 )


laplap Iko ' ko. to chase * as to chase away chickens from the

doorway 驅逐 , 趕逐 , 追逐 , 趕逐雞兒 至門 口

-to gather sweet potato leaves 採集蕃薯葉

lapot sweet potato leaves and stems * used as pig food 蕃薯葉

( 用 來做豬之食物 )


lasag - 1 . drunk from consuming liquor 醉酒 , 勸酒 2. carsick

from traveling on a bus * nauseated as from ship travel 暈車


lasak Ipalsa '. to escape through 漏出 , 流 也 * to leak out as

when netting is not small enough for produce 漏出 , 如同 當東西 很充足時流出

lasil / liliw. to go from house to house with a message 挨家挨戶 傳


laso『 ay / Las。 可y. name of an Amis village 光復鄉鎮平部落前名


/ liSO I • to Visit 探訪 , 拜訪 , 訪親


lasot Ihanot. to sink in mud 陷 入泥沼

lata 1 to shave wood 木片屑 的 when making small kindling for

lighting a fire 削木成木屑 ( 做為引火 的易燃物 )

lata ' ag / Uta ' ag. pride 驕傲 , 自 大, 自負

Malata' ag kako t。wawa ako. 一I am proud of my child. 我以我

J ko wawa ako. -My child is the object of my





latag (t{ui江C

pride. 我的孩子是我的驕傲


salata1 ag sa to respond with pride 自 得意滿 , 自 負

latag I tpeg · to measure grain or . other edible foods with a

container 量器 ( 升斗 ) , 用量器來計算東西

latak - 1. star fruit and tree * Carambola fwit 楊桃 ( from Amoy

dialect 引自 閩南語 ) 2. a plow shaped like star fruit used to break up plowed ground 插換前再平田 的表面 之楊桃形滾 木的農器 具

lataw - twisted reeds made into a hitch attached between the yoke

of the buffalo and the equipment he is pulling 從輯至農具之間拉 拖用 之繩子

latek Imatiya. 1. perhaps 也許 , 可能 2. probably 大概

lati ' - to be affected by magical power or mana in the animistic

world * resulting in swellings or some other affliction 在萬靈信 仰時代 , 遭魔 力 之影響而致病之謂

latiih - 1 . I ’fo. trouble from not keeping taboo or rules of

morality 犯禁 忌而招致懲罰 2. I tapsi' . . miscarri age 失策 ,

誤 , 浪潮

lato ' Ilafot. to break apart 拉斷 , 斷裂 ( 如繩索斷裂 )

4.Jatoc - a torch · of burning wood 火炬 , 火把 , 火柴棒 * burning

embers 餘燼 ’ 灰燼

lawa - to leave out * omit 遺漏

Malawa konini. - This was unintentionally omitted. 無意間漏掉 ,

遺漏這件 ( 事 )

Nilawaan konini. - This was deliberately omitted. 此為故意 ( 蓄

意 ) 遺漏 , 留 下的

lawac - edge * the outer part of 邊緣 , 邊 界 , 海岸


lawac no riyar - seashore 海邊 , 海岸

frontier * dividing line 邊界 , 分界線

- both edges or sides of 兩邊

0 -13akalawacay no niyaro' a loma' konini. - This is the last

house at the edge of the village. 這是村莊中最邊緣的房子

lawal Ikalawal . a flyirig squirrel 松鼠

- 1. to step ·* to take a step 跨步 , 踏上一步 . 2. a single

step 一大步




laway Ipisig. face * a part of the body 臉部 , 容貌

lawdgan - 1. the dark side of the moon 亮沒有 出 現使大地籠罩黑

暗 2. deep darkness as the inside of a cave 一片漆黑

lawla - 1. fun * games * play 滑稽 , 玩笑 , 笑話 2. to joke * a

joke 戲弄 , 笑柄

karalawlaay -a joker *· humorous person 滑稽 , 幽默的人 , 喜歡


lawlaw - a tree 鳥來柯樹

laya 1 - 1. to reach out * extend arm 伸手 , 伸出手 2. a measure

layap - 1 .

receive 接受 止, to accept 接納 , 採納 , 同 意 , 認可

。f length 展臂 丈量長度


malayapto nira - received I accepted by him 他已收到 了

/Layapen. 一 Take I accept (it). 請接受 ( 它 )

. laymay - malaymay. to talk all the time * to be a big talker

匣子 , 蝶蝶不休 , 愛說話的

layog Ilokdaw. lion 獅子 ( from Japanese and English §!自 日 語和

英語 )

lead Ihead. the same * alike 相同 , 類似 , 雷 同

vMalcad ko harateg ita. - We agree. 我們意 見相同

Malcad ko riko' ita. - We have the same kind of clothes. 我們衣


Milead cigra to dmak ako. - He imitated what I did. 模仿我的


Palcaden ita ko dmak. - Let’s do the activity the same way. 讓

我們做的事情相 同

kalcadan - approximately the same 近似的 , 近乎相同 , 幾近相

..IMalcalcad ko tayal ita. 一Our jobs are similar. 我們職業相似

N leeg .- to clip * cut 剪 as hair 修剪頭髮 * to trim as

shrubs ﹒ 修剪 ’ 修整

be trimmed * cut 被修剪 , 修整 , 剪掉

- clippers 剪刀 , 剪物之工具

leik I lieik. small broken pieces that have flown and landed

someplace 小片飛馳在地面上

pinalcik - broken pieces * broken bits 碎物 , 撕裂之物 , 碎片