
sa’osl/osl. 多,q_a ft·→1月兒?可

Sa'。poen ko nialaan namo a fotig. 一Gather toget her the fish you

caught 你們提來的 魚集中在一起

sa'osi/’osi . 1. reckoned * included 計算, 包括 2. to count 計 算 3.· to read 讀或念

Pina ko sa ' osi? , - W hat is the count? 請問多少錢

Caay ka sa1 osi cigra a mihaklog titaanan. - He was not i ncltided

in the cou nt to go with us. 沒有把他算在我們行列之中

Sa' osien ko matah idag ay. 一 Count how . m any have been

i nvited. 請清點被邀請的人

Sa ' osien I asipen I ' osien konini a tilid. - Read this writing. 請你

讀一下這一篇文章 ( 一本書或一封信)

sa『owac -:- 1. a mou ntai n valley * ravi ne 深谷, 狹谷, 摸洞 2.1 ’alo mou ntai n stream 模糊

sa 'sa /so ' so'. 一 to d rai n through a sieve or reed basket

drai ner 篩 子將東 西撈起來 而將水通過 其中滴落 ( 飄形漏水) 或蘆葦

\ 草製成的 籃饗漏斗

saan - a grammatical particle i ndicati ng 文法上含概看許多 自己意念 的 表達 1. a quotatio n mark marki ng the end of someo ne’s words

or thoughts 一個句子的 最後一個語 氣的 懇定 2. I sa. a se qu ence

marker 連接詞

0 sowal nira ' i, o tatayni kako saan. - He said he would

come. 他說:「我本來要來的 j。

Mahrek kako a milicay ' i, sowal saan cigra... - When I fi nished

. aski ng, he respo nded by saying... 我 問完他以後, 他就說:「

.... J

saca - special * . distinct from the rest 特別的 特殊的 , ※從.....


sackih - 1. claws of a chicken or bird or dog or cat 雞或鳥或狗或 貓的 關 2. hoof * as of pig or cow 豬, 牛的 趾蹄

sadak - to come out (from inside) 出現, 出走, 流崗, 冒出, 出來

Masadakto cigra nai pirofoan. - He has come out of prison. 他已 從監獄面出來了

ko ' ayam. - Let the chickens out 把 雞放出來

lcowa ko kasadakan? - Where is there an exit I way out? 出口 處






mouth * source 口,來源 2. exit .,"!lay ouf太平門,出口

saday一to prepare ahead of. time * to,


sadikay一the name of a :species of' grass �lcitig side

streams of water * it looks like fur and is s�ratchy 蘆


汁1 .�grink﹒

sadini - 1. a poison

led on the surface. of water to temp�raril! aralyze· fish'告。they come to the surface and can be ca.' for eatil}g 毒藤i打碎後取

其汁撒在水面上魚畫食後會死亡(阿族原魚之方法之一) 2.

Wild Walnut 野樹

M asadimto ko fotig. -The fish are poisoned I stunned. 魚、設毒死

sadit - 1. mud used to plaster the walls of a house or the ·mouth of an earthen vessel 用水泥砌牆或堵塞或封住陶器的口 2. cement is now used for this purpose 水泥現在已被用於這個目


M asadit to amoto ko 闕nan ato cafeg no IC?-

ma' niyam. -The

floor and walls of our house have been plastered. with cement. 我們家的圍牆和地板已經用水鋪成了

sadoasi 1 -the name of edible seaweed 海上可用的海草

sadosdos I ta’lidan I tarokos . the person who goes ahead .of the rest leading the way 陣線前鋒

sadoy - a shield for use in battle 盾牌

safa - 1. younger 年青人 2. younger brother or sister 弟弟,妹

3. younger cousin表弟,表眛4. inferior to * lesser· in rank 晚輩 . . !'

0 safa iso ko mihcaan ako. 一I am younger than you.我年齡比


0 safa ako k onini. 一1. This is my younger brother I sister. ·這是 我的弟弟或妹妹 2. This is my younger cousin. 還是我的表弟妹

M asafa nira kako. -'-He has excelled over me. 他優於我

Aka pa las afae n c lg ra . 一 Don’t put dow n someone (of

standing). 不要看聽他,不要藐說他

Misafa cigra t。他悶 'ak。. -- He put down my ability. 他藐視我的







sar�k -�;刊si ?gle �rain * , ke rnel of g rai r;i 殼粒子

safalat - south wind 南風

Masa,!alat aninl. - The south wind is bl qwing toda y. 現在是吹南

風, 今天吹南風

safana' -1. suddenly * unexp �,ct �dl r"Y,ithout . �Rti �e 突然的 , 意 外, 毫無留意 2. to tempt to no tint end ed

去嚐試某事 3. to take a dvan tage of 利用,

Safa na' sa i ra ci gra ina cil a. - He c ame unexpectedl y

yest e rday. 他瞞著,其實他昨天就來了,他昨天意外的來了

Safana' en ni satan ci Vis a papisaga ' to ' pag. - Satan t ried to tempt Je sus to m ake bread. 撒但試探耶穌把石頭變成麵包

Masafana' nira kako. 一I su ccum bed to h i日 te mpt ing me . 我經不


safaw - mo re than ten 十幾個’ ,十來個

Cisafaw ko fafoy niyam. - We have mo re th an ten pigs. 我們有-1 ·

幾頭豬 .�

Ccay ·ko safaw ko fafoy niyam. - We have eleven pigs. 我們有十

一頭 豬

Safaw ccay ko fafoy n iyam. - We have eleven pigs. 我們有十一頭

safel I tagtag. to cook meat or fi sh or vegetables using wate r or

sti r-f rying 用 開水煮或 油炸肉或魚或 蔬菜

Safi - to stab as hunter does using a spea r 用 矛刺戳如獵人之對獵

safit - 1. a l ong cloth used as a band to tie a baby on one 's

back 用長 布帶如揹核子用的 , 布繫帶子 2. a cloth used as a be h 皮帶 3. a cloth used as a headd ress li ke tha t of a shepherd 像牧人用於綁頭的 布條 4. a ·cloth w rapped around the

feet to help climb betel nut t ree 把 關綁帶套起 , 以便爬到樹上不致


saflaw - flock * referring to sheep or cattle or chickens ·or

ducks 畫集, 指牛羊雞鴨( 家 畜) 等

safon -soap 肥皂 * in former days soap was made from the

se eds of flowers f rom a Soap Nut t ree 農人用一種吽無患子來做成





safra�g一to wait too fong to do something .* to procras


safreg - to swarm * to move together: in great numbers 畫集而



Masafreg ko. takola’i Nayil a ' ' alo. - Frogs swarmed in the Nile river. 一輩輩的青蛙在泥羅河的河川上 '},

Masafreg ko sofitay a romakat. -The soldiers swarmed I were together in great numbers as they moved. 一輩輩的士兵在路上 行軍 ,士兵畫集而行

saga『 -1. to make 2. to create 創造 3. to fix *

repair 修理

Saga 『 en no Kawas ko kakarayan ato hkal. - God made the hea_vens and earth. 上帝造天地萬物

0 maan ko sasaga' en ita? - What shall we make? 我們要製作什


νPasaga en ko palidig iso. - Have your vehicle fixed. 你的車于拿


Masaga' to ko faloco 『 nira. - His attitude hai; changed. 他的心意

改燒了(態度) ,他已心平氣和了

Masasaga ' to kami anini. - We (two) have been reconciled, 我們


sagasif - 1. hot water for drinking 繞開水 2. tea 杰 在Pasaga­ sifen ko flac. - Put rice in the kettle. 放米在鍋于迎面

saglay - to feel nauseated * to feel like vomiting 想嘔’嘔心,產


sagotfol / sagotfoh. expression of anger on the face 臉上表忿悠

或生 氣的 樣子

\ sahalaka - to make plans 起頭,計劃,設計,策劃 心 、- 心 ,

sahci.一個explain (literally: to reveal the substance of) .說明,解 說,解釋,(字面上,透......本質)

saho - 1. a condition or action still in process (in m仙似 . to .sato

where a new response is introduced into· the sequence of events)一個情況或動作正在進行的過程(和sato對照一個新的反應




被引入於接著發生的事) 2. to think of so mething . and imme �te · ly i! happens 正思想某事情峙,那件事立刻發生

ltini saho kako a misalama. - I am still here visi ting . 暫時留在 這,我這裡逗

Saho saho ira kiso. - I was thinking about you 1fhen you sudden ­ ly tu rned up. 我在思維有關你時, 你就突然出現

sahto - for the g reatest pa rt * the large majo ri ty of 絕大多數

Sahto o Pagcah ko m aro' ay itira. - The g re at m �jo _rity of people

living the re a re Amis. 那兒絕大多數的居民阿美

參閱 iko r.

最後 , 最終,


saikoray - the . very last one * See

sair - so rce ry * the act of a medium to divine illn ess and cause it to leave 巫術 , 妖術 , 指巫師持某物在患者身上咒阻去那

. sait I kalatim. to cut with scisso rs 用剪刀剪斷

~scisso rs 剪刀

- 1. p refix on many wo rds 加字首語, 加在許多字詞之首


See 參閱 Appendx 1 - Gramma r. 文法 2. the refo re * so 所

以, 因此 3. the (f irst) 這(首) 等 etc.

saka 'ca I sakacaaw. so that (something) not (happen) * nega ﹒

tive pu rpose 所以(事情 ) 不會(發生, ※否定的目的

sakacaaw I saka ' ca. negative pu rpose * so that (something) not

(happe n) 否定目的 , ※所以事情沒有(發生)

Mitolon kako to sakacaaw ka patay nira. 一I p rayed that he

might not die. 我為他免於死亡而祈禱


他之所以像這個樣子 , 理由是


sakamatini - See 參閱matini * the reason fo r (it) being like it

sakasaan - th e reason fo r * with rega rd to something that has

been exp ressed or tho ught 理, 原因 , ※牽涉已被 顯示或 想到的 一些事情

sakasak 一 to t rample on 踐, 踩闌 * as g rain· sown * . plants'

g rowing * or something lying on the path 如踩踏已撒好的穀手, 萌芽的植 物或散落在路上的東西 * figuratively 比喻上的 意義

Aka sakasaken ko rik。'. Dont t rample on the clothes. 不要踐


Aka. pisakasak t。 sowal no m ato' asay. - Don ’t .be dis respectful of



the words of the elders. 對老人家的訓勉不得無禮,不要


saki,. for the sake of 為了,國.....戶的緣故

M it。l。n k ak。 t。 saki ci﹜<acawa『l.一I am praying'fi。r 為卡照祈禱’我因kacawan的緣,因祈禱

sakmot - 1. to temporarily' tie together 暫時 ·2. to jestj9ke

with good or bad meaning

的玩笑 .

sakoc I towasig. a pick· axe for breaking

sakola - a spedes of tree 櫻花 l'. Taiwan B..rid戶l

Spirea 2. Taiwan Cherry Tree 山櫻花Prunus ·dmpanulata) ( from Japanese亨!自日語)

sakor I Sakor. name of an Amis village 花蓮國宮里部落名

saksak - something to sit on on the ground * ·a �Jshion * a

rug 墊子,草席,坐墊,地毯,蔣子

Saksaken ko riko' iso. - Spread your clothes on the ground {for a

carpet) 把你的衣服撥開在地上(當作毯

sala - a plate * platter (from Japanese引自日語) 盤子,碟子

Sala I Sa I - the SOUnd of rain hitting Something 下雨,雨滴聾,擊倒


salag - 1. sap * juice from inside a

juice of fruit 果汁 3. pus 濃汁

salama - 1. I holol. . .-to relax visit 歇息玩耍 2. to play with * handle 操作遊戲,玩遊戲

0 misalamaay kami a tayni. - V! e

came to visit and relax. 我們來


Aka pisalama t。 citosiya nira. - Don’t handle her car. 不要玩弄他 的車子

salikaka - 1. brother or sister in the

plant 湯, 植 物的汁液 2.自e

娛樂,休息,休閑 * sit and


same "family without reference to age 在一個家庭中不按年齡分的

兄弟姊妹 2. a term for people in the same social gro�p i. e. aChris戶

tian brother orsister 諸如基督徒的兄弟姊妹在同屬一個團體中各份




sallklkit salomlg.

子的相 sal�o�*妄

O 詞likaka ita cigra.一 1. He belongs to ou r family. 他是我們家 族的一份子 2. He is a pa 此of the Ch ristian com munity. 他是 基督教團體的一份子U

O sasalikakaen aka cigra. - He is a close relative {a cousin). 他

是我近親 ( 堂兄弟)

salikiki I I salomig. the sm all finge r *即littles t finge r. on -t he

han d 無名 指

salil - 1. a gene ric te rm fo r fish net * on e kind is long and pulled

f rom each end by two pa rtie s 魚 網 2. a bi rd sna re 鳥網


salimpo I the nam e of an Amis village 台東縣長清鄉寧

salitata『ag 大姆指

saliway / liway. 1. to fa st * to delibe rately ref rain f rom eating 禁食 2. to go without eatin g becau se food is not

availabl e 節食, 因糧食 不足

...... 樣子

salkolko - to act like one knows when the �閃ally do not 自以為

樣子 其實不


salo『afag I 'adigo. the soul * human spi rit 靈魂 In Amis thinking the soul wande rs and appea rs to anothe r in d reams .or must be b rought back when ill. 靈魂, ※在阿美族的 思想 中靈魂在 徘徊並在別人夢中出現或生病時必須要把它召 回來 Animals also have souls. 阿美族認為動 物也有 靈魂

Milaliw ko sale' afag nira. - His ·soul has left him. 他的 靈魂已離


Masafa no sale' afag no 'oner kako . The soul of the snake has

con que red me (I’ve been bitten by a snake ). 我的 靈魂被蛇征服 ,


rep rove 修改 ,

salof - 1. to co rrect * rectify * amend 修正 , 矯正 , 改正 2. to

e﹒ 唔,、

校正 ,


Salofen ko faloco 『 noya wawa. - Co rrect that ch ild . 請 糾正那小

孩的 ,心思意念

w rote.

我們要修改我們寫的 故事,

Salofen ita ko n itilidan ita a kimad . - We must edit the story we

dmak ani川- That matte r has been 叫ified . 那件







salofal - a tamarisk tree * Weeping Willow 垂






salog - a hok en 1 aino unt

that is not calculated to pay·for service 象徵性的給一點禮金意愿 意思

0 sapasalog konin i: - This is a token gift. 還是一點意思以表心意

中 asalog cigra a komaen to '�ah. - He :d ra n k justa ·little'bit of

wine.. 他象徵性的喝點酒

salogan j sanegseg; to be fitting * becom in g 很適合i很標緻

Salogan kiso a ciriko' tono tayrig. - You I6ok good d ressed in a police uniform. 你穿警服看起來很瀟洒

salogasog - an edible seaweed * red colo red 紅色可 食用的 海草 salomaig I kawmi I I talom ig. to have no st ren gth 軟弱無力 salonan - a plant * 1. Raisha * an orchid斗畏節蘭 2.

Common Camellia )的Ix\

salowasi - seaweed 馬尾藻

saloya - to waste 浪費 * refe rring to food * things * t im e

浪費食物 , 東西,時間

sam a『 - ten de r ed ible greens whi ch lo ok some what like dandelions l.LJ高ff.(較傾)

samaanen - 1. how? * ho w to clo? 怎麼樣,如何? 2. method to do 怎麼做See參rm maan. 什麼意思

Samaanen ita ko tayal? - How do we do the wo rk? 我們如何做


Ma deg sam aanen. Awaay ko lalan ita. - The re is nothing that

can be done about it. We have no way. 無可奈何!我們沒有辦 法可行

saQlad司\l' - to do something gen tly 輕輕的,柔和地

Samaocihen ko pisti toya wawa Don.t beat that child hard. 輕


Samadahen ko pipasowal toya wawa. - Be gentle the way you

addressI rebuke that child. 溫柔的告訴那小孩,意思不要


Caay ka sama�ah ko pisti ' ako. - I beat without mercy. 我重重





samadoI sallpanay.

samado I salipanay . tar es 生長在水稻中的 壤植物 , 長相酷似水稻 的 草

samao. · - a wil d ··edible · leafy vegetation 可食用的 競菜葉

same�ed I samdac. to ea _t、pnly、,one kind of food on the

table 偏食,僅吃桌上一種食物的偏食惡習

samisi - off just a little from being ·ri ght in si ze or .-he coming to Jhe situation * not quite ri ght 捉襟見肘!﹔只差一點1不完全

ko dmak hira. - He didn ’t act quite ' :right I his acts fi tting for the occa. sion 他的作法不完好,只差一點

點, 他做的不完善

Masamisi ko pilafag nira. - He didn ’t measure ou t quite the right

amount. 他測量的不完全正確

samiyay - idols * images * object s of worship 偶像, 塑像, 神 像, 拜佛教

samiyot I hmot. the end of r ectum * anu s 肛鬥

samo' - a defect 缺陷, 程處, 不足, 缺乏

Cisamo' ko citosiya ako. - My car has a defect. 我車有 毛病, 我


Cisamo' ko faloco nira. - His heart ha_ s a defect (literally or

f iguratively). 他的心理有 缺陷 ( 字面上或比喻上的 )

samolal - to tu m up * to become eviden t出現, 顯現, 掘起 , 仰

no riyar. 一 The rocks in the ocean can be

seen (because the tide is out). 海裡的 岩石因退潮 而顯露出來了

Masamolalto ko folad �nini. - The moon is starting to show a

l ittle sliver. 月亮今天漸漸開始顯出細長條狀的 形狀

Masamolalto ko nipalomaan aka a dateg. - T be vegetables I

planted are starting to show. 我擂種的 蔬菜已發芽了

samoro I haherher. 1. Milk Tree 豬母乳 2. Common Yellow Ste �-fig (Fisc us fistulosa Reinw.) 稜果桐

samsam - to mistreat * insult * mock 欺侮, 虐待, 諷刺

Samsamen no tata ' agay a wawa l<o mamagay a wawa. - The

bi g boys �istreated the small boys. 大的 欺負小的孩子

Masamsam nira. kak。. -,- He mocked me. 我敬他愚弄

sanalsal I sanasal. to tickle * be ticklish 逗擾, 輕癢的 感覺






sanasal I sanalsal. to be ticklish‘被搔癢

sanawsaw - to be unsettled in spirit * not 'giveen

tion to the thing at ,10

be_ thinking about food when he should T當他在讀書時


sanay - a grammatical particle similar to the force of saan but with

the force of a substantive 文法上的特別用詞?與.saan相很不


1. a summary

of what a per�on th�mghi or said簡述

某人的意思或說過的話 2. a’'descriptive of whatthe· character of something is 描述某事物的特質

M atoka kako o sanay nira. -He is saying he is lazy. 他是在說,


sanayasay - Green Island off the east coast of Taiwan ’綠島

sanegseg I salogan . 1. just right-.恰到好處 2. appropriate * fit­

ting * becoming 很標緻’適當,適切的

Sanegseg a negnegen ko kaciriko ' iso tonini. - It looks very appropriate and fitting for you to wear those clothes. 你穿這件


sanek I hanek. a bad odor * smell 嗅味



M asanek koya titi. That meat. smells




spoil) 這豬肉的味道不好 $°'

sano - a grammatical particle indicating simultaneous activity * i. e.

doing two things at the same time 文法用詞指兩件同時發生

saog - 1. a hat made of reeds and

umbrella 雨傘

to be surprised驚

2. to be physically able but lazy 可以做而不傲,生理上能,但很懶惰

0 maan ko kasapaan iso cigraan? 一

What surprises you about him?(im­

.-.�·’ ?


’ . .

-·· .




plied change or something impressive)你到底忌諱他甚麼?

M asapa ko tireg nira a negnegen.一He looks well and lazy. 你


sapad - 1. a board made of wood 板子 ,木鈑 2. the floor made




sapainl (川t'!(fe\ �1

wood 木製地板 3. I cokoi; a table 桌子

- board-shaped皈形的

f. mak� board-shaped 做木板

o sapasapad to panan - for making a board floor

sapaini - a gift 禮物,贈品 See 參閱 paini.



sapal - the sprouting of plants as the first tender shoots that come

out of the ground 苗, 種 苗, 種子 , 芽, 芽, 發芽

sapat I name of an Amis village 瑞穗控︱﹔三民村都落

sapay to level and clear '!and 使之平坦,弄平,水平


Masapay to dateg: -The vegetable garden is clear and level for planting. 種植蔬菜之地已弄干了

sapayo - 1. m叫licine 2. poison 肥料,農藥

sapi'一to be heavy and fall ov er 巨大植物倒下,傾倒

Masapiko panay anini. - The grain is now fallen on the ground from its weight 稻穗結實的低垂下來

feel * find



sapsap - 1. to feel with one’s hands 用手感觸 2. to figuratively

Sapsapen ko ti reg iso. - Feel your body. 摸摸你的身體

Pakasapsap ko Kawas to faloco' ita. -God is able to feel I find out our inner hearts. 上帝能夠洞察我們內心的意念,上帝能摸清 我們的,心意

sarad I soped. to accumulate 集堆積

Masarad ko ' onig noya tamdaw. -The dirt has accumulated on that person. 那個人身上積滿污垢

M�sarad ko aasipen ako a tikami. 一 Letters have accumulated for

me to r�ad. 我要閱讀的信,堆積如山

0 s·asaraden ita ko nanom. - We must accumulate I collect water. 我們必須儲存水

saradaw I 蚣,ciw. to start off a song * to start out singing with others · to join in 開頭領唱者主唱後, 重眾複誦相互應唱 ( 如在豐年

季或慶典時在歌舞中閣成一圈時其中有一人領唱 )

saraw I Saraw. a demon who deceives small children and leads them astray * appearing as the mother 偽裝成母親騙小孩並引領


〈已趴 5 1


小孩走錯誤的 鬼魂 Saraw is very ta ll .a nd puts ch ildre n in trees or on

.h igh dtiffs. Saraw 是又高又大的 魔鬼 牠會把小孩懸吊在樹梢或懸崖

sarga<J - a pla nt 1. Car yot Palm ( caryota m it is) 孔雀椰子 2. 'Gol­

d en· Sh ower (Cass ia· f i訂ula ) used to ma ke brooms 孔雀椰子的葉子 可製作成掃把

satocod一to be s ingle -m in�ed * to g ive o�eself comp letel y·'. to 一

0 maan ko kasarocodan iso anini? - What are you 1k iv ing your - self to at prese nt? 你 現所專注的 意念是麼?

ko faloco iso a maolah to Kawas. - Give y ourself

wholly to lov ing God. 你 要盡心 , 盡意, 盡性的 愛主

sarocor I marikec. to be agreed 團結一致的

- to torture 悶, 審

ko mapalitay. - The impr iso ned perso n is tortured

刑人被 審問( 審訊)

Sasagien no wawa ko waco. - The ch ildre n tortured the dog. 小


sasaw I sawsaw. ge ner ic word for wash 洗的 總稱

sasifod - to ta ngle * be ta ngled 總結, 打結, 糾纏 w ith l iteral a nd f igurat ive mea nings 字面上和比喻上的

Masasifod ko faloco『 ako anini. - My heart I emot io ns are all

m ixed up I ta ngled r ight now. 今天我心 有干干結

Aka sasifoden ko kliw. - Do n’t ta ngle the str ing. 不要把繩子纏結


sasig - a photo p icture * to take a p icture 相片, 背像, 玉照

�apisasig - camera 照像機

M asasig nira kako. - He took my p icture. 他 照了我的相 , 我被他


asasig kita. Lets have our pictures taken. 我們去照像

sasigaran - w indow * window casing 窗戶(門窗的框)

sasimi - 1. raw f ish 生魚片 2. to eat raw · meat吃生肉(from Japanese引自日語)

- 1. x 說2. a charge * fee索(價),要(錢)謀(稅)

\8asata kita t。 tig ki. - We pay ou r elec tric b ill. 我們要去繳電費





0 milisataay ci Cakay. -:Za ccha �us w as a tax colle ctor...撒該是稅

Caay ko sasataen no h ogti ko lama' nira. - Th� ,king w ill �pt levy ·. t axes on h is home . 國王不徵收房屋課稅,閻王不J&自己的房 屋稅

sata I OS - 1. perfume * fragrant oil 香水, 香油 2. shampoo m d e.

from the ashes of straw

O matkesay a sata' 6s ko sapisipasip ni Mariya to tireg ni Yis. - Mary an ointed Jesus with expensive perfume . 馬利亞用 高貴的 油 膏抹在耶穌的 身上

Mata osay ko tokes nira. - His hai r is full of hair oil. 他頭髮有

Gen esis * a bo ok of the Bible 創世紀’ ,聖經第一卷 satfo I Satfo. the name of an .Amis village 瑞穗鄉下德武部落 satnok - heel * part of the f oot 後腳跟, 鍾

sato - 1. a dry measure for measuring grain 稱 量器, 量杯, 斗

量 2. a grammatical particle indicating a response at a p oint of time in th e sequence of acti on 在文法上是 指時態的關聯

Yo matgil ako ko sowal nira月, kter sato kako. - When I heard

what he sa id I became angry. 當我聽到他 說的話後,我很生氣

satoko - 1. a large black beam used in the stucture . of Am is homes 阿美族用 房標做屋上的 橫木 2. a mast on a sh ip 船的中間 位于

saw - a questi on part icle ind icating that the speaker expects the

'answer to be · obv iOus 疑問旬, 指說話者的 期望能獲得更具體的回答

sawad I hawad. 1. to g ive up * qu it 放棄,停止 2. to d is-




ap pe �r * no l <:>nger

'exi��失縱,消失 3. .to _g rad 11ate 畢業l

0 mamisawad kako to inatiraay a tayal. 一I am goi �g to qui t」t hat

ki nd of �ork. 那種工作我將要辭掉

smo ki ng.

pisawa� a mita�_ako ko ga,' ay. - You sh ould quit



νMap坐坐�adto koya n iyaro '. 一 That village PC\S ceased to

e xist . 那個村落已廢墟了

kako a mitilid. --:-: 1. I graduated ·from sc hool. 我 從學校畢

業 2. I quit school. 我 離開學校

Malasawadto ko niharat�gan ak。. 一I have .give n up that

thi nki ng. 我 已經放棄那種思想

ko kararamod - divorced 夫妻 離

sawi - 1. to tempt * persuade to do somethi ng that is wro ng 試 , 試驗 , 引誘, 錯事 2. to i nflue nce negatively 從反面影響之 M asawi ni ra ko faloco' ako. - He i nflue nced me negatively. 他 從


Aka sawien cigra. - Do n’t tempt him . 別引誘他

sawkit - to judge * pas s ·judgme nt upo n in the formal se nse

o nly 判斷 , 審判

sawsaw I sasaw. ge neric wor d for wash “﹒洗總稱

say。d - S pani sh Mac kerel (S combero morus commerso n) * a spe ­ cies of fi sh 雨傘旗魚

saycar - Co mmo n Adam ’s Needle 刺葉玉蘭 (Yucca gloriosa ) * a cactus with whi te flowers 開白花之仙人掌 ( from Japa nese ︱自

日 語)

sayho - an e xpert 專家 ( from Amoy dialect 引自 閩南語)師父

0 misasayhoay cigra to kilag. - He is an e xpert in wood

wor ki ng. 他是木工 專家 , 他是木匠


sayma - 1. I ropay . to flatte n grou nd a nd ma ke it level 使水平, 水平2. to comfor t * to bri ng co nfus ion to an e nd 安慰(使 其疑憨消除) 3. to pla ne off wood so ·that it is smooth 將木倒平

saynay I talimola 1 1. to a ct childish in fro nt of .·adult s .·i·2to woo * wi n . with love 懇求愛 博得愛 3. forepla y in mak ing

love 強迫得到愛



saysay ζ汪叫'(oh

saysay - to fi x somethi ng up so that it is neat and o :r;derl y 修飾使


Saysayen ko f。他s iso� - Fi x up your hair. 你的頭髮梳一統 Masaysayto ko fali. - The wind stopped blowing. 風已平靜了 Saysayen nira ko sowal niyam. - He stoppe d our quarrel. 他平息


saytaw 一large white ra dish 白蘿蔔

kahgagay a saytaw - carrots 紅蘿蔔

sdak - to su d denly appear 突然出現

Namimaan kiso iro sdak sa ira kiso anini? - What have y ou been

d oin g that y ou sh oul d su d denly turn up ? 你在搞 什麼,為何突然 出現? ( 什麼風把你吹來了? )

sdal I tdal. 1. to foosen a kn ot 真正的 解放 2. to set free

literally 真正 解放 3. to figuratively set free the heart 象徵性的

解脫心靈, 比喻上 指心靈解脫釋慎

Mafana' ci Yis a misdal to faloco' ita. -Jesus kn ows h ow to set

our hearts free 耶穌會解開我們的 心

sday -1. to dr op of its own acc ord fr om hanging 從懸掛的高處掉 下來。 2. to be unc onsci ous 不省人事 , 失去意識

sasig. That p icture dr oppe d of its ow n accor d

hanging.) 他的 像框掉下來了( f是懸掛處 )

sdef I tafa '. to da m * a da m 堵住水塌

sdeg - 1. nettles * Urtica tu mbergiana 咬人貓 2. the na me of a

village 花蓮縣玉里鎮大禹部落名

sdi -a s mile 微笑

Masdi ko pisig nira. - His face is s miling. 他的 臉露出徵笑

sefsef - to strain * filter out substance fr o� li qui d 檸( 以將物質從

液中濾出) 過 濾( 用 漏斗過 濾)

seksek I cekcek. to shake c ontents down so that they settle 將東

西往下抖震以使穩固, 搖動容 器中的貨物使容 量增至最大限度

Sekseken a miparo ko panay i pawti. -Shake d own an d pack

s oli dly the rice int o the sacks. 將袋中的 米抖緊並 打包好

semsem - to suffer * t or ment 受煎熬 , 忍受折磨

Misemsem I masemsem koya adadaay. - That sick person is

suffering. 那 病人忍受病痛的 煎熬




I ’,﹒

Mapasemsem ni ra kako. - He tormentedI tortured me. 他折磨


serser一to''settle down 挖地基,定居!穩定

Se�seren�o ko pipa!oma' an. - L et fhe land s�we )or awhile

where ﹛)'Ou) are g<>,ing �o build a }louse.讓你將建築房的塊地


sfay - 1. to hang on after being broken 垂吊※因斷裂而懸吊 2. to be hanging from one end 一端懸吊著3: to pe �!ooked被彎


J�竺� ko riko' nira. - His clothing is on crpokedI or buttoned

incorrectly. 他的 衣服穿得歪七扭入的 ( 扣子扣錯了 )

Masfay ko ca 『 ag no kilag. - The branch is dangling but attached. 那樹枝搖晃著,但還沒斷(斷枝倒懸在樹上)

sfeg - 1. to watch and herd an ima ls 看誰一草動物 2. to guard

enemy 看守壞人 3. to case o!lt a person 看顧某人

1. a hut in a fie ld where a person stay� who is

the crops so they are not stolen 田中小屋 , 供看守者

休憩用,以免煎物被盜 2. a p illbox where a s old ier stands

guar d 士兵守衛之崗哨 ( 瞭望台 )

sfek - to h ave a lot of 很多,豐富,大最

Masfek ko pifotig nira. τHe caught a lot of f ish. 他 捕到很多魚 sfel I cnon. fe ar * the k ind of fear that makes a pers on av oid a s ituat ion out of exper ience of gett ing m istre ate d 忍懼,因遭人虐


Caay ka sfel koya fafahi.. - That w ife is endur ing i.e. she does not leave t he situation. 那位太太很堅忍,她被有逃避現實

Minegneg koya wawa to kiyafes月, masfelto﹔一When the child

sees the guavas he is afraid (to pick them becatise of former punishment). 當那小孩子看見番石榴時,他不敢摘下他們,由於前

吹的 教訓

sfet - to tie into a knot 打結

Misfet cigra to Ii ' el. -He put on a necktie. 他打領帶

Misfet cigra to fokes. -- He put his hair into a ponytail. 他紮一個



的fet - a rubber band or string or tie 要綁的繩子,或橡皮筋或細





sfi - 1. the gathering house of the Amis village 阿美村

kit ch en 廚房

sga - to b況bred * tir ed of · some thing 膩, 厭煩,對某事物厭

sged - 1. to mess up * to make disor derl y 使雜亂弄糟 2. for

debr is to colle ct and stop the flow of water 水溝堆滿 了垃圾使 水 不能流通

Masged no wawa ko kafoti1an niyam. - The chil dren · messed up

our bedr oom. 我們臥房被改子弄得一國糟

sger I cpa '. 1. damp 浸濕 2. wet 濕的 3. a spe cies of -free *

Form osan Sweet Gum * Fragrant Maple 一種樹 (Liquidambar f ormosana Hance 有 香味的城( 楓香)

Masger no ' orad ko sra. - The ra in wet the ground. 雨水滋潤大

Masger ko riko' ako. - My cl othe s are da mp I wet. 我的衣服被淋

Sgeren ko flac. - Wash the r ice f or c ook ing. 淘米煮飯, 把 米浸在


si 'ac I 『 rac. to be gone * referr ing to water hav ing left an

area 離去( 指水離開某地)

Masi ' ac ko nanom no 'a lo. 一The i;iver is dr ied up. 河川的7JC乾


訓,ed - to ch oke * to have f ood get caught in w indpipe * to

asp irate 咳( 以將食物吐出) ,味在喉中, 吐氣

Si ' ked - for ea ch to have its own place or order or arrangement 各

得其所, 分門別類 ,妥善安排

Mas�si1ike1iked ko aro' no finawlan. -The cr owd all had pla ces

arranged for sitt ing. 軍眾都有 座位 ,村民各就其位 而坐

si ' lac - gravel * pebbles * small ro ck 小石子,碎石,砂碟

si 1 naw - cold * referring to weather 冷( 指天氣)

kasi1nawan - winte r t ime 冬天

Si『n aw ko romi ' ad. Ki ' tec ko kamay ita. 一The d ay is

·cold. Our hands are cold. 天氣寒冷, 我們的手很冷

siciminciw - turke y * turke ys 火雞( from Japanese 51 自 1 日語 )

勻sicoci - dea con * dea cons 執事 ( from Japanese 亨︱ 自 日 語 )



slfoI trogI tnok.

Sida 1 it - concern for * anxiety about * care for 慮,掛慮, 念,焦慮



o kasida’itan ako a, wawa cigra. - He j戶the child I f�el concern

0 sida ' itay ko Wama, ita.一Our Father (in heaven) feels _concern for us. 天父眷顧我們 ,我們的 上帝是 最疼愛我們的

siday - 1. to leave behind遺失,遺留R遺忘 2. toJose 迷失’丟

Masiday ako ko payso aka. - I lost my money. 遺

的 錢搞丟了

了錢 我

Siday aka h aenen ko wawa itini. - Don’t leave the child here

(when you go). 走的 時候 , 別忘了帶走小孩 , 不要把孩子留在這裡

\ 0 tahasidayay ciina ako. - My m。ther deliberately stayed


我母親有 意毆後

sidsid - to drop here c州there aiong the way 到那裡 , 就遺失到



,f﹔ 那裡 ’ 掉 得一路

,國 sifasif. iO be the same iellgth touching the ground 接觸於地面 四周的長陵相同 2. to have no strength 軟弱無力 3. to tie * arrive at the goal at the same time 得分相同※同時到達終點線 4. to pan out of water * as to pan gold 將砂金以鍋淘洗選別 ( 砂土 中出金)

sifed - to catch * get caught in grass or brush 纏住,鉤住(被草


Misifed ko talip iso i tfos. - Your pants catch in the sugar cane. 你的 褲子被 甘膜鉤住了

Masifed ko wa' ay ako. - My leg is caught in brush. 我的 開設草


Tahasifed ko w鉤 no si_ri i dmed metan. - The goat’s horns were caught in brush. 羊角被草叢絆住了,羊的角被陷在坑裡

.J sifin - to wipe or rub the surface of something with a towel 擦拭


、主asifin - towel毛巾,抹布

Sifinen ko c。koi. - Wipe off the table. 把桌子擦乾掙

slf0 I I trog I tnok. the middle 中間,中央 * center 內部

’. ltinien cigra i sasifo1 an. - Put him here iri the center. 他放置在 中





Tahsifo' no nanom koya wawa. 一 The child was was carried into

·the middle of the water. 那孩子流 失到水中間

sifod - to be tangled up * mixed up 纏結 , 混淆

ko kliw. - The thead is tangled. 線纏結在一起

sigara ' gills of a fish 魚餌

s-igasig - small bells w orn by the Amis 阿美族 佩帶在身上的小鈴錯

sigat - to n ot w ipe oneself after a b owel m ovement * ·unwiped b ott om 上完廁所後 沒有擦屁股

?趴 sigda s omet﹜1

Pasigda han nira k。 sowal. 一 He said s ometh ing d irty. 他說了些


sigko - 1. faith * trust ( in Chr ist's pr ovisi on including salvati on and

all personal needs) 信心 , 信 任 ( h帝 所賜 子的一切包括救贖及一切 個人 所需 ) 2. the faith y ou have * y our rel igi on 所信仰之宗

教 , 你所持有的宗 教信仰 , 你 有信仰宗教 3. I Sigk o. an Am is village 台東縣成功鎖( fr om Japanese 引自 日語)

sigsi - 1. an address * s ir 講演 , 先生 2. teacher 老師 ( fr om

Japanese 引自日語 )

siiked - to separate into graded gr oups 分開 , 按級分組 ( 分 門別 類 )


k。 siri. - Separate the g oats

by kinds i.e. black vs.

wh ite.


siikor - 1. to l ook beh ind * to the rear 回顱 , 向 後看 , 相背 2. to

be c oncerned en ough to go back to one’s h ome and resp onsib il ities (fr om wh ich they have left) 因關切 而重返家庭並負起責任

0 misiikoray cigra . to wawa nira. - She went back to l ook_ after

,. ch ild. 他回 照顧他的孩子

Aka a minegneg. - D on’t l ook ba ck. 勿回首 , 不要向


sikal - a sleep ing mat made of grass or th in bamb oo strips 草驚或


sikatay - choir 聖歌隊 ( fr om Japanese 哥!自 日語

sikda - .to hit a target * to lodge upon 擊 中, 投 中, 投宿於

Masikda no fokloh kako. - I was hit by a r ock. 我被石頭擊 中

' 278



Masil<da n。 adada kako anini. - Si ckness has found ,m�- 我生病

ko . pik nira. - He shot his gun ci.q9 , hit the t前get. 他射

.o�" siked I cidek. to separate from the rest 分閉,單燭 , 獨立

- to be atta ched to * joined to A 悶著於, 加入

..,- pla ce where something is j9ined or

九 接合處

M isiket ko faloco' ako ci Yisan. - My hea:-t is atta ched to Jesus

* i.e. I abide in Jesus * trust io Him. 我的心屬於耶穌基督 , 我心與上蒂 同在

v6asiket - atta ch to * hook up to 屬於 , 鉤住

Tahasiket i ca ' ag no ki lag ko fogoh nira. - His hair (head) got caught in tree bran ches. 他的頭髮被樹枝鉤住 了

sikiw - to look sideways while fa cing straight ahead be cause of hate 斜視,敵視

sikol - 1. to look ba ck 向俊 看 2. an attitude of con cern for *

care for 闕,心

0 tatiiha



a ina cigra. Caay pisikol cigra to wawa nira. - She is

a bad mother. She doesn’t have an attitude of care for her c;hilcl. l胞都不照顧桔 子,是一 位不負 責任的 母親

Sila I - masila'. l. tO be dis cordant 走-詩 ( Ji昔不 可� ) ,不一致 , 不

2. to be watery * as ri ce whi ch does叭 boil dry :when cooked 水分 過多 ( 如煮飯未充分蒸發水 分時間成軟 黏現象 )

sila� - to go off course * to go askew 犯們想要 走正,結果走

silsil - 1. to lay out in piles 堆壘 , 排列 2. to divide up for

positions or a ctivities 核職位或活動分配

Sasilsil sa cagra to tayal . - The y divided up their work responsibilities 我配工作責任

simaanay I asimaanay. it doesn't matter 沒有關係 * an ything

will do 隨便 , 無 所謂

simal - 1. oil * grease 油 2. fat 肥肉 3. gasoline 汽油

a' acaen ita ko simal. - We must bu y gasoline. 我得買汽油了

Adihay k。 simal nonini a titi. - This meat is full of fat. 這塊肉的 肥肉很多






Cisimalay ko mata nira. - His eyes are full of lust. 他眼中滿色 慾 , 他的眼睛好色

- 1. to add oil I gasoline 加油/汽油 .2: to rub· oil · or

grease on 塗油 3. to cook with oil 煮菜要油 , 烹調菜上加

simanta『 - to eat raw food 生吃

Tatiih a simanta 『 sa a komaen to titi. 一 It is bad to ' eat raw

meat. 吃生肉不好 , 生吃沒有煮過的肉是不好的

simaw - to guard * wat ch 看顧 , 照顧 , 看守 , 守 , 守衛

Masimaw no mato' asay ko pipawalian to panay. 一 The drying

gra in is be ing wat ched by the elders. 外面曬的稻穀老人家在看 守著

Simawen no sofitay ko lawac no riyar. - Sold iers guard the

coastline. 海防部隊守著海邊 ( i每岸 )

M asimaw no Kawas ko faloco『 aka. - God guards my heart. 被神保 , 我蒙神保

simed - to · h ide someth ing 隱藏 , 隱瞞 , 守密

Aka pisimed to raraw iso. - Don’t h ide your sin. 不要隱藏你的罪

Simeden ko payso iso ta caay ka takaw. - H ide your money so

it won't be stolen. 把你的 錢收藏好 , 才不致被﹛俞

O kalasimeday a tamdaw cigra. - He is always h id ing things *

i.e. he is se cret ive. 他總藏東藏西的

simlag I simelag. embarrass ing * inappropr iate * poor taste *

shameful 不適當的 , 鑑賞力差的 , 可取、的

J<asimlagan - the th ing that is embarrassing or shameful to the

viewer 令人感到難為情或可恥的事

simpo - pr iest * leader of the Catholi c chur ch 神父 ( from

Japanese 引自 日語 )

Simpon - newspaper * magazine ( from Japanese 亨︱ 自 日 語 ) 報紙 ,


sinag - the blade edge of a kn ife or ma chete 刀到 很鋒利

sinanot - 1. to be careful 謹慎小心 2. to be organized 組織 , 有

計量自j 3. to be self- controlled 自 制的 * not easily upset 不易沮






Masinanot ko faloco' nira. � He is careful I self-controlled. 是很

,, ·· ..

Sinanoten ko dm ak iso. Organize ydur· activities.. 織一下你的 活動 ,1 你的行為要謹慎

sinar I kacawas I l idaw. watermelon 西瓜


,.r sinawar - t。可be dizzy ' from sickness or fever ,. 因病或發燒所 引 起

頭暈 * from being intoxicated 使陶醉 ,使如夢似的 * from car sickness or seasickness 暈車或暈船

sini ' ada 一 1. pity 同情 2. grace "*

* kind 仁慈 親切 , 和藹的

0 kalasini' adaay a Kawas ko Kawas ita. Our God is always gracious and kind. 我們的上帝是滿有慈愛的神

0 kasini' adaan a tamdaw cigra. - He is a person who needs to

have kindness shown towards him. · 他是值得 同情的人

0 kakasini' adaan a tamdaw koya marofoay. 一 That prisoner is someone to feel sorry for, 那些被關起來的人 , 值得同情

0 nano sini 『 ada · no Kawas ko sakapipa' orip nira titaanan. - God

嘲‘ saves us on the .basis of His grace. 由於上帝的慈愛 自罪惡中拯 救我們 , 才使我們得著生 命

sino I et I cifrag I ifagat I cahiw. sweat pers piration 汗 流汗 ,

sioy - kettle * pan for cooking 鍋

sipasip - 1. to apply to * rub on the surface of something 撫﹒

熬 2. to erase 擦掉 抹去 削除

Sipasipen no lsrail ko rmes no siri i fawahan no Iαna' . 一 The Israelites applied the blood of sheep to the doorways of their homes. 以色列 人把羊的血 塗 在門檻上

Sipasipen koya tilid. - Erase that writing. 把那個字擦掉

, sipolo ' - to be separated from and thus !,�ft alor1;e 周分離而獨居 ,


masip。lo' I maponegay 一 1. widow I widower 寡婦 ,捕歸 2. to separate and have a home apart from the larger family unit * as when a couple separates from . their p_arents’ home ... 從宗家分

居 , 如一對夫妻從其雙親的家分 出小家庭( 分家)

sipon - loss * to suffer loss 損失, 損害 , 蒙受損 失, 虧損

’, 281



!戶, ‘- -一.:.’,壘,---

-r_ .... 、 .』.. ι


Masipon kami t。 nano faliyos. - We suffered loss becau�e of the

typhoon. . 由 因颱風使我們損失慘重

Hakowa k。 sip。n namo? - How much was your ': .loss? 、:你們損失


siraw - salted meat or fish preserved in brine 鹽酷的 肉 或魚保存在

鹽水裡 ( 鹹 肉 )

siri - goats 公羊

也空L-erm used in the Bible for sheep 採用在聖經裡的綿羊

pakaenay to siri - shepherd 牧草者

tofor a siri - a kid * young goat 小羊 , 小山羊

h釗削 - sheep I goat pen 羊 舍 /山羊舍

isirian - the name of an Amis village 台東縣成功﹔其自守連部落名 sisir - 1. a scraping sound 擦去 , 抹 去 , 削去 , 擦 ( 肯IJ ) 的聲音 2. I slic. to slide 滑 , 溜 :�. posisir. to slide on one's bottom

(seat) 用屁股 ( 坐 ) 溜滑

sisit - to wipe away * rub clean 擦拭 ’ 拭掉 , 摩擦乾掙

Masisit ni ra ko ' oni g. - He wiped the dirt off. 他把污穢擦掉

Sisiten ko losa no wawa. - Wipe away the child’s tears. 把孩子


- nine 九

- the ninth 第九

siwala - to be mixed up * confused 混淆 , 弄錯 , 困惑 , 混商L ’ 搞


Kalasiwala kako. - I am scatter-brained * i.e. I forget or lose

things easily. 我是慌慌張張的人 , 我很容易忘記或遺失東西

Masiwala kako. Caay ka fana' kako to lalan. - I am mixed up. I don’t know the road. 我迷惘 , 不知該那一條路

siwar 一 to move or change the position of 轉動 , 改變位置

Siwaren konini a cokoi. - Move this table a little. 稍微移動桌 子 , 把桌子移動一下

Masiwar ko cidal. The sun has changed position in rising (as

when the seasons change). 太陽已改變位置了 ( 如當換季時 )

siwasiw - "!. to · separate the grain from the chaff 用 篩子篩選 2.

to sort * separate into groups or kinds 分等級 , 分類團體或種類

siwatid I siwatik. aloof * to not take part with the group * to


sla f hanhan.

sta y by oneself 遠 離, 離開, 沒有跟團體一起把持 自 己的意念

siwatik l siwatid. afoof * to not take part w ith * · to

sta y by

siwit ·to slant *; set at an angle 歪 ﹒ 傾斜, 歪斜 r.放軍釣鉤

off course


M asiwit ko pitli nira. - He set it down slanted. 他放的斜歪了 siyam I faho. grass used to make mats and baskets 草可用來做草


siyokeg - large earthen storage conta iner for water 'i大水缸 ( from

Amoy d iale ct 引 自 閩南語 )

siyop - to swoop in fl ight 從高處飛下來猛撲 ( 如老鷹摟較小雞時 )

siyor - to turn around * change d ire ct ion 旋轉 , 回頭 , 轉向 , 改變


\)'asasiyoren ko rakat iso. - Turn your d ire ct ion of m ovement. 移


Pasasiyoren ko fal oco' iso. - Repent. 後悔 , 懊悔

ska ' - to stop breath ing temporar ily 休克

M aska『 cigra. - He fa inted and stopped breath ing. 他休克 了 ( 停


止呼吸 )

skak - the crow of a rooster * to cr ow 雞鴨

M askak ko ' ayam. - The rooster crowed. 雞叫

skay - to confide in 寄託

0 piskayan no faloco' ako ko Wama a Kawas. - My heavenly

Father is the one in wh om I confide. k. 父1 :帝 是我寄託心聲的


skig - test * to take a test 考試 , iJllj試 ( from Japanese 引 自

skog - to str ike w ith the f ist 打擊 , 用 拳頭擊打

tatosa. - The two of them had a fist f ight. 他們

Aka . piskog to fafahi iso. - Don’t h it your w ife w ith your f ist. 不 要打你的妻子

sla ' I hanhan. breath 呼吸

misasla' I masasla ' /-sm悔 I mahanhan. to breathe 呼吸

�asla' an 一 the breath of l ife 呼吸器 , 氣孔 , 生命的氣息

cisasla' ananay - one who has the breath of l ife 他還在呼吸 , 有






rest 休息

slak 一 to spread out * lay out (as to

slal - contemporaries * people of the same group * p eers 同

referring to the organizational relationship- of men in an Amis village 在阿美族村落裡有編製關係 (如分階級 , 名稱 , 年齡 )

slen - to fill in with earth 埋 , 覆 沒 , 掩 沒

Maslen no mapraray a lotok ko sa owac. - The landslide filled in the ravine. 河川被山崩 掩沒

sli1 - to landslide 山崩

slic - to slide clown or along * to coast along or down 沿甲斜坡滑

落下來 ( 乘儀等滑下 )

J Saslican place to slide * as the runners for a sliding door 滑油

apay sowapay. a sled 指農


sllc 租車車




5 o (i's/

snat - 1. to cut * to be cut as .by sha!P gra�i; 割, 如割草 2. to rake plowed rice fields 摯稻 田 的器具

M as.n�t ko w� ' ay ako .a romak鈍 一 My, legs got cut walking. 我 走路時 , 我的開割傷

J sasnat - the rake pulled by buffalo in Jlo凹led fields 用 水牛拉耙

機在水 田 上使田 地平坦

sneg - displayed * something to be proud 祉, 聽傲 九 誇示 , 炫耀 ,

光榮 , 對某東西憨得意

0 kasnegan ita ko nika tadamaan no Tapag ita. - We are proud of the greatness of our Lord. 上帝的偉大 ( 全 ) 是我們的光榮

主的至高無尚令我們敬畏 )

i kit a to fan a1 ita. - We boast of our


Sawadaw ko misapasnesnegay a sowal. Stop (your) boastful

words. 停11:你誇大的言語 , 不要再講 自 誇的話

Masneg kak。. - 1. I feel threatened by his ability. 我被他的能力 feel panic from heights. 從高處往下看有畏懼感

sni ' to pour out 傾倒 2. for something to 削le down ana . shrink in size * as salted vegetables in an earthen vessel 東西沉澱或收縮狀如鹹菜在缸器 內放很久後會收縮

80 I 3C - to brush * clean with a brush 洗刷 , 用 刷 子清洗

So' acen ko wadis iso. Brush your teeth. 去庸I]你的牙齒

so 'aw - to be 出i的 口 渴

ice * snow 冰雪

malaso' ·一 to freeze * become ice 變成冰

sci可In三﹔ 1. genuine * real 誠實 , 真的 , 實在的 2. true 真實 3.

4. norm * standard 切實的 , 標準的

cause to be true * i.e. believe 稍為真理


0 so' Unay a sowal konini. - These are true words. 遺些話的確是

0 so' linay a dmak konini. - 1. This thing re-ally happened. 還是 真實的事情 2. This is the way that activity is I the nature of the activity. 遺個活動是 自 然活躍的動作





Onini ko so刊inay. - This is the standard I norm. 這是很標準的

So' linay ko faloco' noya tamdaw. - That person is . sind�re faithful. 那個人很忠厚

So' linay mafana' cigra haw? 一Does he really know?


80 I met - to dampen * to be damp 潮濕

Paso' meten ko riko' ta miaylog. � Dampen the clothes for

ironing. 衣服灑點水使之潮濕再燙

Maso' met ko sra. - The ground is damp. 地面潮濕 , 土壤潮濕

Maso' met ko faloco『 nira. - His heart is gentle.

so 『 er - water from rain * rain

so 'ol / so 'o r. 1. to melt as a candle melts to

dissolve 使溶解 , 使分解

so 'or I so 『 er / lasinol. 1. to melt 溶化 , 溶解 2. to dissolve 溶

解 , 分解 , 氧化

Malaso' orto koya so' da. - Th� ice has melted. 冰雪溶化了

Malaso' orto ko waneg i goyos nira. 一 The sugar dissolved in his

mouth. 他嘴裡的糖溶化了 ..


SO 1 ot - 1. a bundle of one hundred 擱一百個 2. to bundle 姻 綁 3. to tie up 打結 4. to bind 繫 結 imprison with cords 坐

Pina a so' ot ko aalaen? - How many hundred should we take? 我們要拿幾百個 ?

Smo' ot aca ko aalaen ita. - We should take just one hundred. 我們只要拿一百個

So' oten ko panay. Bundle the grain. 把稻草姻起來

So' oten k。 waco. - Tie the dog up. . 把狗拉起來

s。' oten ko tokes. - Tie your hair back. 把頭髮綁成馬尾

So' oten ko mari ' agay a tamdaw. 一 Tie up I imprison in . cords the

criminal. 把壞人鵲起來 , 把罪犯捕法辦

Kinase' ot cigra a kinapatay. - He killed himself by hanging.

上吊 自殺

so 'so - 1. to be fat * plump 胖 , 豐滿 2. to be healthy 很健康

肥壯 健壯

Maso' so ko kolog iso. 一 1. Your water buffalo is fat. 你的水牛很




肥大 2. Your water buffalo is healthy. 你的水牛很健壯

so ' so 1 I sa' sa . to drip * drain water off of j商? 把水滴滴下


Paliso' so' en koya riko' a mipawali. . ...:.- Harig those ’clothes up dripping to dry. 把那些衣服拿出去曬使之濾乾

sodoc I hodoc. to draw * pull out * referring to a weapon

拉,校 出 ,如武苦苦 , 拔出

sodo也I sorar. to yield * give in 退讓 , 給子 , 容許 , 允准

sodsod to give secretly and gradually over a period '()f time *

being afraid to give all at once 在一段時間內悄地給付一一點

的給 , 或因恐懼 而立即付清

Pasodf惘 , han nira ko pipafli to payso. - He gradually and secretly gave money. 他暗中悄悄地以金錢施于

sofac to lengthen 拉長 , 延長

sofal - territory * district * valley * region 領土,地區,鄉村, 領域 , 地帶

sofitay - soldiers * military 士兵 , 軍 人

Malasofitay ko wawa ako. - My son is in the army. 我的張 子被


sofoc I hofoc. 1. to give birth to 出生 2. to lay an egg

of birth 生日

sofok - a woven bag used as a backpack 用麻繩製作成的背袋 sofoy I sfay I rfay. to slacken * to release the tension 鬆悅 , 鬆

Masofoy koya towaso. - That rope is slack.

sogidet - to throw away mucus from the nose 洗鼻涕

sogila ' I soliga '. 1. to do perfectly completely and well 完全的, 圓滿的 2. to do with dignity 高貴 , 以嚴正的態度做 * in good order 衷好秩序

Sogila' en ko aro' iso. - Sit orderly. 你姿優雅一點

C aay ko masogila' ay a tamdaw kita. - We people are not

perfect. 我們不是完全人

s。gila' en ko tayal iso. Do your work well and completely. 你旬 的工作要做徹底

sogtol - to hit * crash * bump against 打擊 , 撞擊 , 碰撞






Aka, pi,sogtol i Iatan. Dont hit a pedestrian. 不要


Masastol ko palidig nagra tatosa. Their two . vehicles hit each

other. 他們的車子相互碰撞

Mapasogtol nira kak。 一 He fo叫 me to hit some他強迫我


soikor I siikor. 1. to look behind 向後看 2. to go

反向道 , 向後走

Misoikorho kako a minokay. - I have to go back home for a

minl,!te. 我領先回家一下

Aka pisoikor a mine gneg. Dont look back. 不要向後看

soked - to shrink * referring to cloth 收縮 , 縮小

sokir 一 (of water) to carry along things in its path 刮 ’ 削 , 刮掉那

, '1 oklet I soklot� to tie a string or rope loosely so that it can be easily untied · * to make a slip knot 用繩子擱綁 , 綁活結

soklot I soklet. to tie a string or rope loosely so that it can be

easily untied * to make a slip knot 綁活結

soko a ! storage building for impliments or food or other

valuables 存有價值東 西的倉庫 , 倉庫 ( from Japanese 引自 日語 )

sokon - 1. Common Fig tree and its fruit 無花果樹和果子 2.

Ceylori Olive tree (Elaeocarpus serratus) for ornament and fruit 橄欖樹 3. Formosan Eupatorium 闊葉植物 * common

wild plant found along roads and on hills 一般生長在路上或山上 的野樹 4. I talip. a: wrap around double skirt 包纏在四周的兩片

sokoy I kakorot. the name of a wild edible veget�ble 苦瓜 ( 蔓藤

額 )

solac - a tree * Fiscus ampelas Burm. 金瓦榕

solap - 1. to investigate * find out the facts 巡視 , 揉測 2. to spy

* work under cover 奸諜 ﹛ 在暗地裡偵察 )

0 misolapay a tamdaw cigra. - He is an undercover man I

spy. 他是地下工作 人員/奸諜

solasol - masturbation for sexual gratification 自潰 , 手淫

solek - a method of crossing two pieces of wood and attaching to





兮。 (﹔>/

each other 兩塊木頭相互附著的方式 ( 成十 字形 )

soli�a『 I sogila . to -do perfectly * well

and cofnpletely 完整 , 有秩序 的 , 完滿的

Mas。liga ' ko fal oco『 noya tamdaw. 一

That person’s heart is at ease I has

wholeness. 那個人的心情很安逸


個lek 兩塊木頭 總互附蕩的方�

Soliga ' en ko pina 『 ag tonini a tilid. 一 Put this writing away in

complete order. 把這本書收藏好

r) Papis。liga ' en cigra to tayal nira. Make him· do his work well

and completely. rut他徹底的做好他的工作

solimet / losimet. 1. to ·arrange * put in order things 叫 are

(!’t L " lying around 把散亂的東西整妥當 2. to prepare 預備 , 準備

solipa - sandals 拖鞋 ( from Japanese 引自 日語 )

solol / hpol. 1. to slide down 使滑的 , 溜過 2. to forgive 赦免


Sololen ko kilag a patalala ' no. - Slide the log down hill. 把團木


Sololen ko patlac ako. - Forgive me for my mistake. 原諒我的過

solot ,- 1. to pull * draw something literally 拉 , 牽 , 喻拉東西 2.

to attract * exert influence on 吸引 , 引 誘 , 使影響憨化

Soloten · ko pal idig. - Pull the wagon. 拉運貨馬車

Masolot nira ko faloco『 ako. - He has influenced me. 他感化我的

心 , 我的心被他影響

0 ko' sanay a sowal nira ko sapisol ot nira toya fafahian. - He

used polished speech to attract that woman. 他用甜言蜜語引誘 那女孩

soloy - semen 精液

solsol - 1. to thread through holes a·nd draw as to run a drawn

string through holes 串連 , 如把有洞的東西串連在一起 2. .to string together 串在一起 ·'�手

Solsolen na Atam k。 papah no kilag a misaga to talip. Adam

made an apron of fig leaves. 亞當把樹葉續串成裙子

