
  1. 競爭失利淘汰 劣質商品勢必市場淘汰出局」。

  2. 體育競賽失利喪失進入一輪比賽資格

  3. 棒球壘球等比球員三振封殺原因退出球場失去進攻資格 三振出局」。

to send off (player for a foul)​, to knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock-out tournament)​, to eliminate, to call out, to kill off, to pull out of (a competition)​, to retire (a runner in baseball)​, out (i.e. man out in baseball)​
renvoyer (un joueur sur le banc de touche)​, mettre KO, éliminer (un adversaire)​, se retirer (d'une compétition)​